So I realized that I took literally zero pictures in Arizona which is really sad because it was such a fun trip. Oh I did take a few of Oliver and Carson in the tub and then a video of my cousin flying a helicopter for Ollie which crashed as you can hear from Ollie's little toddler voice. My grandma's funeral was really amazing. My Dad gave her eulogy which was so funny, tender, and interesting. It might be strange to some people to hear so much laughter and see so many smiles at a funeral but that's just what we do. It's nice to know that death is not the end, but actually the beginning of so much more. My grandpa didn't want to say much, obviously, but did end up getting up at the end of the service and thanking everyone for coming and read a really beautiful poem that reminded him of my grandma. He said he didn't want to speak but then he envisioned getting to the heavenly gates and having my grandma greet him with some firm words on why he didn't speak at her funeral:) You just had to know my grandma. All my sisters and I sang "Wind beneath my wings" which was a g-ma favorite and miraculously got through it without crying (that might be a record for the Kelley girls). Her good friend Ron Miyashiro accompanied us on the piano which actually made the song.
I got to see some cousins and relatives I hadn't seen for a while which was so fun. It was quite the whirlwind trip. You always wish that the person who passed could be there to hang out with everyone that came to celebrate their life. Oliver was exhausting as soon as we got to Arizona. Without consistency, that child gets crazy. I was missing Ryan and feeling so tired. When we got back to Utah I was so glad to see his darling face. I was even more glad that we had 2 weeks left until the big move. I love when there's a lot going on, it's so exciting. Staying with my parents will be a wonderful blessing until we figure out what in the world our plans are. I'm glad we have the time to decide:) Now I just need to find a way to stay really busy when I get home waiting for baby girlfriend to arrive.
So you are coming to our house. We can't wait to see Ollie again. Someday I would like to do a family reunion that is alot less stressful!!!
Becky, I tried to get a hold of you so I could finally meet Ollie. I don't know where in AZ you were but I wish that we could have gotten together. Hopefully I will see you guys at the reunion.
I just love you, and I am so happy I got to see you! I just sent you the photos of Ollie in the pool too. That little face he makes could make me laugh in any situation. He is so awesome.
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