So this is a hard one for me because most of the time I say exactly what I think, most of the time too much, and so there really isn't a lot that people don't know about me. So I am seriously just sitting here thinking of things to say, so wait a minute... 6 things about me that most people don't know
1) I used to have HORRIBLE stage fright, like to the point that I thought I would die. So like when I had to give talks in church, I would seriously have a
meltdown and usually someone would do it for me or I would do it and feel like I might just die the whole time. I remember in high school that I would get special permission from my teachers to do my oral assignments after school just to them, it was seriously a big deal. And even reading out loud, oh dear, I would go into panic attack mode. It was funny cause when I got the job at the jail and I had to teach all by myself every day to like 30 people, even scarier inmates, I took on the challenge and was finally like, this needs to be over. So when I talked to them about fear, I was speaking from a lot of experience.
2) Like a lot of people I have weird OCD traits. Let me share a few. This happens basically all day but really bad when I'm watching tv or a movie. If I see a word on the screen I will spell in out with my fingers EXACTLY the way it was spelled, cursive if cursive, you know whatever font it was. Sometimes I will catch myself spelling a certain word all through a movie, and I'll wonder how many times I had spelled that particular word cause the movie was almost over. It gives me a headache. One more, so I have this thing about water. Ryan thinks it is so crazy, cause it is:) So I usually keep a water bottle and just refill it with, mind you, purified water out of a brita filter, you know. I could never just drink the tap, oh gross and so scary. So even if I fill it with the purified water but leave the bottle out until it gets room temperature, I call the water "old" and I seriously can't drink it anymore. Even if I put it back in the fridge, I can drink it but I secretely know it's been tainted and it was old at a time. As if water goes bad, I'm so weird.
3)I probably cry every day. I am totally one of those people that cry at a commercial, or if I see a homeless person on the street, or if I see something beautiful. Or when I listen to a beautiful song for the first time, totally cry. And now that I have a child, so much worse. And the worst, when I see someone cry, I am like required to cry or something. I am just real sensitive and actually I think I like it.
4) I am obsessed with people. I love to listen to people talk about their lives and make real connections with them. I could probably sit and listen to someone talk for hours. So because I need real connections with people, this sometimes makes me really apprehensive in getting to know people because my worst enemy is small talk. I would much rather say right when I meet someone, let's just cut to the chase, enough of the face values, who are you really, what do you believe in, what are you passionate about. I like when people say what they mean and mean what they say. Even if I totally don't agree with someone or dislike something about them, if they are genuine about it, I love that. So even though I can be really outgoing, I can also be really reserved, depending on how authentic I think a connection is with someone. So if I seem reserved, it's just cause I haven't gotten to know you yet, I'm waiting to cut the crap.
5) I like to make up songs for Ryan and Oliver and sing them to the top of my lungs, preferably in a mock opera voice.
6) So this last one a lot of people might know but maybe some of you don't. I have been obsessed with pregnancy, labor, and all that is related since a very young age. I have been watching "A Baby Story" on TLC since I was in like 7th grade, maybe even before that. So you think since I just had a baby, my cup would be pretty full. Nope, still love to hear about it, talk about it, read about it. So my dream has been for a while to be a midwife. Even in the midst of my labor, 7 cm dialated with no medicine, I was still like, this is the coolest thing ever. I love it all. When I was pregnant I couldn't read enough, just because I thought it was all so interesting. (Note: this does not mean I will be a baby machine, I might just have to live vicariously through others when I hit my baby limit).
Oh and a few short one's just for kicks, I won't let Ryan kill bugs in the house, I feel too bad for them, besides spiders, cause for some reason they don't count. I have always wanted to adopt, and still do. I have a small, maybe not so small, obsession with traveling. Ryan calls it my secret porn addiction cause I get on the computer on travel sites and I can't get off. I LOVE to cook and hope to be really good at it someday. I love to exercise, it makes me feel alive. I need the sun, but I love the rain.
I'm supposed to tag 6 other people but let's just say that if you are reading this and haven't done it, do!!! It is so fun to read everyone's.