Friday, November 9, 2007


So I HAD to include a video of the crazed guitar loving baby. Seriously today, the guitar was on the couch and it was almost all covered by laundry except a little piece showing out from under the clothes. So Oliver spots this piece of the guitar, knows it's there, and is determined to get to it, like always. So he gathers all his strength and pulls himself up to a standing position holding onto the couch for dear life and stands there until he falls, of course, but unusually doesn't make a big fuss, and goes right back to do it again. He is die hard. I didn't get that on video sadly, that would have been funny. I can't believe he's almost 8 months, doesn't time just go soo fast!


aaron and meg facer said...

Very cute! He is so big! I made something for him in Relief Society. He's not old enough for it quite yet, but it won't be long at the rate he's growing! I'll send it out soon.

Magen said...

i love Oliver! seriously when him and i meet i feel we will have a great relationship!