Sunday, October 28, 2007


As you can plainly see Oliver is a ferocious Lion for Halloween, watch out! And yes, I will toot my own horn right now and say that I hand sewed this costume. It was no walk in the park and I lost it a few times, but in the end I'm glad I stuck it out. I like how I usually pretend I can do something until I finally can, or can't I guess:)
More scary poses.
Ryan and I are going to be a Safari couple so we can fit in with our Lion counterpart, oh what fun.
Now... does that look like the face of a scary, mean, Lion? I think not:)


monica said...

That is such a cute costume. Good work, Becky!

Wright Life said...

Oh my gosh, he is so cute! I just want to squeeze him!! Good job on the costume bets, it looks SO GOOD! Will you make me a costume? Way to be a crafty Mom!

Anonymous said...

Beck, what a cute costume, what a cute baby. Good work!! You will have to post pics of all of your costumes. I can't wait to see.

aaron and meg facer said...

Becky, I'm totally impressed! He is so cute! Nice work on the costume and the baby!

monica said...

We never have trick-or-treaters. So we go over to Martha and Ted's neighborhood to do our trick-or-treating. And our pumkpins were all gooey and gross before they had the chance to end the night with the customary punk teenager throwing. And we dressed James up as the boss from Spider-Man again. His eyebrows and mustache always get a few laughs.

Malia said...

so cool!!! wish you guys were here...
stu and malia