Sunday, May 11, 2008

Mother's Day!

Here's my tribute to mother's, especially my own!

"The limitation of priesthood responsibilities to men is a tribute to the incomparable place of women in the plan of salvation...Men and Women have complimentary not competing responsibilities. There is difference but not inequity...In the woman's part, she is not equal to man; she is superior! She can do that which he can never do; not in all eternity can he do it".
-President Boyd K. Packer

"In the pre-mortal world, when our Father described our role, I wonder if we didn't stand with wide eyed wonder that He would bless us with a sacred trust so central to His plan that He would endow us with gifts so vital to the loving and leading of His children. I wonder if we shouted for joy at least in part because of the ennobling stature He gave us in His kingdom. The world won't tell you that, but the Spirit will".
-Sheri Dew

It is amazing now that I'm a mother how much my life has changed. If there ever was an absolute pure, Christ-like love, that would be a mother's love for her child. Before I was a mom, I thought I could kinda get the gist of it all, like sure I'll love my kids. But you have NO IDEA what it's like till it happens. It's amazing. It's true that you can't understand the sacrifices of your parents, especially your mother, until you are one. I totally had a moment after Ollie was born when he was like 2 weeks old and I was lying on Ryan's lap in bed falling asleep and I was literally delirious from sleep deprivation. From an entire room away and with the smallest baby sound possible I heard him loud and clear. And I was like, Ry the baby is awake. He was like, how in the world did you hear that?! And I knew right then that I had just taken on the assignment of a lifetime. Something I want more than anything in life is to love and serve other people, especially those who need it the most. And I have realized, imagine if I taught my children to love everyone, no matter what, like Christ does. What a difference that would make. And imagine if everyone taught their children to do this. Our world would be a different place entirely. I think Mom's are the ultimate heroe's and that's the truth. So all you mom's, mom's in the making, and future mom's you are amazing. You can change the world.


kelleyplus said...

You will be and are an amazing mom just like your sister. I am proud and privaleged to witness all that you are!

Amanda said...

this was perfectly said. every single word. thanks for writing this.