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Jr. Lifeguard on Duty

I just couldn't resist Ollie today in this outfit, he looked so cute and stubby all day. My dad got him this little outfit while he was in California with them. The best is watching him at work trying to maneuver around all the other running, big kids. He LOVES being with all those kids, it's so cute to watch him follow them around and admire their every move. Ahhhh, the big kids. And the picture on top is one of my favorite faces of his. It's his car playing face, making the sounds of the cars on the track. There's just something great about a muscle shirt on a chubby baby.
you're kid cracks me up!
I love the muscle shirt. All chubby babies should be required to have one. I am so jealous that you went to Hawaii. I have ALWAYS wanted to go there. I'll make it someday. For now, I will look at your pictures and drool. Beks, you look so GOOD!
Oh, and I also love Ollie's surfer hair. SO California, and SO cute.
Hi Facers! What a darling little guy you have! He needs to come visit again--he's grown so much!
He is so cute! He's really growing...and we've only been able to see him once! This sucks! We need to see you guys.
You asked if we were coming to the reunion and I never responded (sorry). We're trying to make it out. That is right between semesters for me, but Aaron will be in training for work and isn't sure if he can get the time off. We're working on it and we'll keep you updated. We NEED those chubby cheeks!
Love the rolls in the muscle shirt! I want to kiss his little cheeks.
That face is classic! He looks so cute in that little shirt, I love it! I can't wait to see you in like 2 weeks!!!
His hair makes him look five years older than James! I love those chubby cheeks. And I agree, there aren't too many things that beat chubby arms in a muscle tee.
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