Baby Katherine's blessing with her Dad

I think my mom looks so beautiful in this picture, grandmotherhood suits her:)

Beautiful Idaho, part of my heart will always be there...

Give it to me baby!!!

The four generations shot (grandma, mom, me, and ollie)

It's official, I have a new brother and Annie's last name is Brower, whooohooo! The weekend was wonderful even with EVERYONE getting sick, thanks to my sickly family. Basically it was the craziest wedding day ever and through it all they both did awesome and just loved each other, it was very sweet. Annie looked gorgeous and we all had a great time. I can't believe I just have two sisters left to be married, our family is expanding by the minute. It's so fun. These are the things I love about having a big family, there is always someone around and we are all seriously best friends. It's been amazing to see how perfectly all the in-laws have fit in, it couldn't be better. Ahhh I love my family. In case your wondering, those sexy shots above are with my most favorite cousin Andrea, and yes she is taken:) I'm so glad you came Andy, you are so much fun and fit in just like a sister, love you! Ollie was so cute in his little outfit. I secretely wanted to get him a little tux but oh well, he still looked DARLING! And don't you love the bridesmaid's dresses, my sisters are hotties. So the weekend was a success and I'm so proud of Annie and Cody for getting married in the temple. What an amazing blessing. And they are so in love, it made me and Ryan want our second wedding all over again. Don't you totally wish you could revisit your wedding? Such good times.
Great pictures. Email me some okay? All I can say is what a weekend!!
Bek, you look dead sexy! And Ollie, there are just no words for his little outfit. So great! You and your mom and sisters all look aloke, it's crazy. Stop getting sick, okay?? Hope you all feel better!
Man, when I try to look sexy...the opposite happens! haha Good pictures! I miss Ollie already :)
I love it! I haven't looked at blogs for awhile and I love the one of Ollie laughing at the video. And look at his surfer hair! :) I miss the Facer family! We need to see each other again soon and get rejuvinated. We've been listening to the IZ cd since we got back and haven't gotten sick of it yet. By the way, thank Ryan and Ollie for the post, I'll make sure to show Ryan. If you haven't read it, you should. We love you!
YAY Annie - and Cody - you all look so beautiful! I LOVE weddings and even though this one was a bit rough it all worked out! congrats!!!! Bets i hope i see you soon ;) loves
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