Playing in the dirt is just the best.
Well I guess this is what "floating" the river currently means to us considering I have this massive fear of taking Oliver down it and having him fall out and drown. So this is my sanity I guess. Still relaxing, and we let Ryan go the rest of the way down all on his own.
What a natural. This is our exotic, jungle photo shoot. I need a little more pout in those lips.
pretty sure my marianne days are over and i've come to terms with my willoughby. and thats why i now see myself as jane. becs i don't understand how i can be presnted with the most perfect opportunites and totally blow it. its all very comical. oliver is still the cutest thing! i love his hair! we need to talk! miss you tons xxx
i have the same fear of john plunging into the river. i feel better knowing you are just as psycho as me. by the way the sex of the baby is a surprise now - i've had 2 ultrasounds and they can't tell me what it is so we're doing it the old fashioned way :)
you've done so many cute posts! i feel like i've dropped off the face of the earth. i love that ollie eats dirt and tries to kill himself w/ the water. you have such a cute family!!
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