A few weeks ago, my little Brooklyn got married! All our friends came from everywhere to be there and it was so much fun to be with everyone together, like the good old days. We went to B's house Friday night for a dinner then went to the Johnson's at the Four Seasons to hang out after. We were all trying to force ourselves to stay up and hang out but our old age and kids won out and we all went to bed. The weekend was not long enough, that's all there is to it, but it was wonderful as always to see these people I love so much. I wish they all lived here. The wedding and reception went just perfect and it was a great day! Brooke and Luke came to spend the night here after the honeymoon on the way up to reception #2 in Oregon last week. That was pretty great. Just LOVE those two.
(a BIG THANKS to Mags who actually took pictures and then let me steal them...these are almost all her pictures).

The first dance

Ryan did a lot of this at the wedding letting me run around and be apart of it. What a wonderful guy.

Magen and Marley loving each other.

Mary, Court, Donovan and Kristen at the rehearsal dinner.

Amelie takes after her Dad in looks, but in food such as watermelon, she's definitely a mama's girl.

A picture of all the girls (plant Kris in and then you have ALL the girls, they weren't there yet so she missed being in this one).

Bridesmaids with the Bride and Groom

Teaching the boys how to respect our Hawaiian roots.

Ryan and I were asked to sing for their first dance which was such an honor.

Ollie after waking up mid-reception.

The future mom and future bride.

Ryan getting some giggles out of AmiJane

Kris, Court, and I awaiting the couple's grand exit out of the temple.

Courtney and Amelie. Court left her kids with John at home so the whole trip she kept borrowing everyone else's for some much needed hugs and kisses.

Brooke and Luke's slogan- We win!

Gorgeous dress on a gorgeous bride, seriously I've never seen a more beautiful bride.
Ahhh the happy couple
good times...good times. :)
She looks beautiful and I think it is hilarious that he is wearing vans. I could see all the grandma's in the audience just shaking their heads in disgust...
mags... YOU'RE NEXT - make it happen!!!
So sad to miss out! Miss all you girls wish I could be a part of it
Congrats to the happy couple! How did the song go? It sounded great while you were practicing in LC. Way to go Ry for taking kid duty so Becky could take full advantage of her friends. Isn't that just like Ry? He's great.
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