-Ryan always puts others first.
-He never expects credit or rewards for the things he does. There have been plenty of times he's let others take credit for the amazing things he does.
-He is not a complainer. Ryan leaves the house at 5 and gets home around 8. He usually sits in traffic for two hours on the way home. Even when bending over backwards at work to get the job done, his team in constantly criticized and under appreciated. Even with all this, he rarely complains. That is amazing.
-He is always looking for ways to help. This is one of my favorite things about having Ryan as a husband.
-I'm pretty sure that he tells me everyday at least once that I am either beautiful, sexy, or that he loves me. Usually all three. Husbands of the world, take note.
-Ryan knows his priorities...the Lord first, us second, and the kids third.
-Ryan was an amazing missionary. There have been a few times we ran into a returned missionary who was like, "man, they still talk about you on the mission".
-Ryan doesn't guard himself against being vulnerable and he isn't prideful. He is always genuine about who he is.
-He does not second guess the motivation of others and gives everyone the benefit of the doubt.
-He is really funny. We share the same humor which is really convenient. I also love that his humor is more surprising than deliberate.
-I love his freckles, and that Oliver is getting them.
-I love that our baby girl is looking more and more like him everyday.
-Ryan is pretty extroverted and has an easy time making friends.
-I love the he loves my cooking and will rave and rave about whatever I make.
-I love that he doesn't play video games.
-Although he likes sports, he isn't obsessed with watching it.
-Ryan loves to get active and busy but can also cuddle up in a blanket and watch a movie.
-I love that he tears up in all the same songs that I do, and in all the same places in movies. Well actually I tear up a lot more, but he can totally get why. I never feel like he can't understand.
-Basically he debunks all the classic negative husband stereotypes.
Ry, I seriously can't believe my good luck ending up with you. How could one girl be so lucky.
Happy Birthday Ryan! We miss you guys!
Happy Birthday big guy! =) I love the plethora of posts. The pictures with the grandpas are precious and our girls trip was so great. Thanks for still coming despite Bono not attending.
That is a great description of Ryan. He's a wonderful, happy, service-oriented guy. Happy Birthday! And Becky, he's pretty lucky, too! ;)
cutest thing every and i know EXACTLY how you feel :) Happy bday ry - remember how i thought your bday was in august for the last 5 years - good times ;)
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