I would be so ungrateful to not mention how wonderful my mom is. First off, let's talk about the fact that my mom whipped up these baby blankets in a matter of hours. I had pulled out some baby blankets of Oliver's and my mom was like put those boy blankets away, my grandaughter just cannot use boy blankets! My mom has also watched Oliver in the morning while I sleep in which is seriously the best gift anyone could give right now considering I basically fall asleep around 4. My parents are also supposed to be official empty nesters but instead have opened their house to us so we can save money. That is a huge sacrifice and Ryan and I are so grateful. It's also really special for me to have Oliver here close to his grandparents because growing up we never really got that chance to live close to ours. A highlight of the week was when grandpa got Ollie his own helmet to use on his motorscooter. I couldn't tell who was more excited.

In baby news, there really isn't any yet. I haven't changed from 1 cm 75 % effaced in a week which is so different than Oliver. By this time with him I was already 3 cm but it was not free, it came with some really painful early labor. But I haven't had much labor yet, just the normal stuff. We have a busy weekend with all our family here and Laura's farewell so hopefully my daughter has listened to my requests that she come after the weekend, like say Sunday night, just in time to meet her auntie Laura before she leaves on Tuesday. My official due date is Thurs. (a week from today) and I realized yesterday that if I let it go a week over exactly, cause I wouldn't be able to go further, she would be born in Oct, the 1st. That just sounds daunting...October. She will officially be unwelcome in my womb at that point. And seriously, if she knew the fun awaiting her when she gets out, she should be in way more of a hurry. I promise baby girl, there is plenty of love for you on the outs, come hang with us.
Yay, we both updated ours! So fun to hang out last night... seriously, call/text when you go to the hospital so we can come say hi! :) Good luck w everything this weekend... Love, Vaness
Mom is the best!
Mom is the best!
So kind-
Let's get this show on the road Amelie!!!
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