I've been struck this week with the aftermath of these fires. Everyone around La Canada has written all over their cars, "Thank you firefighters". When you look at the mountain range all the way down to the foothills, it is very clear where the fire stopped and it makes it all the more amazing to realize how much was saved and how much was lost. The firefighters main priority was saving homes and communities and you can tell as you see the fireline border all of La Canada, literally within inches of some homes. Friends who lived up against the fire said that the firefighters were standing out like an army on the battlefield, hoses in hand, waiting to fight when it got there. Basically the mountains look like wasteland, note the picture above. I never thought our mountains were particularly beautiful but they were a sort of escape to nature from L.A. and it's sad to see how much was lost. There were 154,000 acres burned as of today (it is still burning), which constitues about a quarter of the Angeles National Forest. So although a lot has been lost, so much more has been saved and I too am grateful for the efforts of the firefighters here. Lately everytime I see a firetruck drive by, I get a little choked up, and wave. Sort of like when I see missionaries...funny. Saving souls all over the place:) I'm especially touched by the two firefighters who's lives were lost. One of them had a wife due to have a baby any day.
Thank you becky for that beautiful tribute to our firefighters. The fires were secondary to me this week as I sat day and night with my dying, sweet, Dee. So much loss in so many ways, but also so much gratitude gained in my heart!
That is so crazy. I still can't believe how close it is to you. That is so great that the community is being united by it though, it really makes you grateful for what you have.
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