Wednesday, September 23, 2009

No baby yet

My due date is tomorrow and still no baby to report. And thank heavens for that considering my mom is in Utah today taking Laura to the MTC. But she gets in tonight so after that it's game time as far as I'm concerned. I have a doctor's appt this afternoon so we'll see if there's anything further to report. My braxton hicks have progressively gotten worse over the last few days, but really sharp and painful, a lot different than the first time around. I don't think it's possible for my belly to get any bigger, honestly. My family says it looks fake. So I know that little girl is running out of room. My back is still doing amazingly well, I am SO grateful. So anyways hopefully she will make an appearance soon cause I'd like to avoid induction if I can. As long as I get the ok from the doc, I'll just let her hang out in there till she decides it's time. If anything much changes I will let the blog know. I am totally the girl who will update in the midst of labor. I just think it's all so exciting, it must be documented.


Unknown said...

Thanks for the update! We are praying for you and baby-to-be and can't wait to see your beautiful addition. Just know that I check the blog for progress, so its not going unnoticed :) Hang in there!

monica said...

I hope she comes soon, and on her own. I know what you mean about not wanting to be induced. I wasn't induced with Matthew, but I was with James. Although having James was faster (very good), by being induced I forgot what it felt like to be in labor (not good). I was always second guessing myself with Jacob. So this time around I just wanted things to happen on their own. My doctor scheduled me to be induced a week after my due date. I was hoping and praying he would come before that, but he didn't. The funny thing is that I was actually in labor the day I went in to be induced. So I would have had Jacob that day anyway. And now I'm sure I'll remember my labor signs.

Can't wait to see your baby girl! And I can't wait to see Oliver with her. He'll be so cute, I'm sure. And I'm sure when you see him after delivery he will have aged 2 years. It's crazy how that happens. (Sorry this was so long)

Sara said...

i love babies, and i really love your babies! i will pray everything goes just as planned. Congrats!

The McLane Blog Page: said...

good luck!!! We hope she comes soon!

Malerie said...

I can't wait

Bean said...

I've been checking just about everyday, so you better be keepin it updated! And I gotta see this fake looking belly of yours, post a pic please!

::jill:: said...

we are on pins and needles over here!! a baby girl facer we've got to see to believe!! keep us updated!! we can't wait to see her! xoxoxox.

Jeffrey Sheets said...

Ugh... I was so sure she would come yesterday, on my b-day. I could just feel it. Bummer. I think about you four Facers often. Love to all of you!

Matt and Piper said...

I'm very anxious for that baby to come. I check all the time to see if she has made her appearance yet. Good luck and hopefully we'll get to meet her soon (and maybe I'll finally get to meet Oliver).