This morning we made a trip to the duck pond. I had been collecting stale cereal, bread, and crackers for quite some time, so we sure had a feast for the duckies. If any of you ever visit ducks around this time of year, you know it's mating season and quite frankly, it's frightening out there. I'm pretty sure there is duck rape and incest at every turn and all the kids at the pond are like "oh no mommy, why are the ducks fighting". Ahhh the birds and the bees, good thing I have to explain nada at this point. Either way, a product of this love making is eggs, exciting times. We found a mama lying on some eggs and got a picture as she was out gathering more leaves. Down the hill from her nest, there were 5 eggs that were sitting all by themselves, totally abandoned. To true Kelley form, of course I took them home and now they are being heated in a bowl with a blanket and lamp. They're probably all dead but whatevs. I tried to find some info online to see how you can tell if they are fetilized and how long they can survive without incubation. Does anyone know anything about duck eggs? And we caught a moment of spring, although all other signs are still absent, such as the warmth. I LOVE to see green again.

Who knew being at Les Shwab tires could be so fun? Well Oliver saw this row of lined up tires and decided to put it to the test. Yes, it really was that fun. He did it a few times and got really dirty doing it. But it bought us plenty of time as we waited for our tires to be put on. By the way, tires are way too expensive. Someone really needs to do something about that.
oh fun! My Mom & my older siblings hatched some duck eggs one spring when we lived in MN. I'll get some duck advice and email it to you!
So cute! I love little baby ducks. I wish I had some advice for you, but I do not. The only knowledge I have about that is from watching Fly Away Home, have you seen that? Precious. If they are still alive and they hatch, we will have to come and see them.
By the way, I used to try to rescue birds when I was younger, I tried rehabilitating a baby blue jay that was left alone as well as a sparrow. Both died within a couple of days...it was pretty traumatic. I hope you have better luck
You're doing so awesome at updating your blog... kudos to you. Also, I think you're hilarious for keeping those eggs! I would have just stuck them in the other nest. How are you feeling? Still super tired? Are you guys up for a trip to Les Bois? I haven't heard from you guys in awhile... PS--I totally fell for your dang April Fool's joke. Stinker.
Oh Becky...did you not ever hear the terrifying outcome of my little eggs from The Pointe?? I don't want to frighten you but it ended badly. I kept them hidden from my parents under a hot lamp in my closet shelf. Weeks later I came home from school and the house reeked...my parents couldn't figure out what that dank smell was. Lo and behold I took them up to my closet to find the little eggs had burst with a nasty black goo....it smelt bad....real real real bad. In fact if I close my eyes and try to remember it I can....it was that bad. Beware :)
Ps I do hope that yours hatch!!! and I love you! Taking duck eggs, and feeding the ducks definitely reminds me of the pointe and all those good times we had there!! Funny stuff.
So I have all of next week off work the 6-10th! Let's get together for sure. I have nothing to do. Call me!
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