This morning was an easter egg hunt in Orem that we just had to go to! Too bad the minute we got there, Telisha and I heard a countdown already in progress, so we ran, with children in hand, cause if you know Utah, and I think you might, there is no shortage of kids here. We made it just in time to fight off a few parents and kids for some goodies. It was so windy and freezing and raining but still lots of fun, all 30 seconds of it:)

Sidney and Ollie with baskets in hand. I do have to say that for a child of mine, Oliver was quite calm about the whole thing. I was quite the egg gatherer in my day, so I was expecting a little more hustle, but the less candy for this kid, the better.

Plus the candy was kinda gross and cheap. We're used to much finer things when mom is picking out the treats.

This face is so Ryan it just kills me. I feel the need to say egg "hunt'n" for the sake of Utah, no pronunciation on the t, get it right.

Mom I wanted to post a pic of Ollie in his new threads. We finally hit up Gymboree with our gift card from Christmas. What a stud muffin huh, minus the slobber marks from sucker. Thank goodness for Grandma's or he might be wearing jeans and long sleeved t's throughout summer.
His Ryan face is hilarious! I love that little boy. And why don't you tell the whole truth about what kind of egg hunter you were as a child. Just ruthless!
I'm diggin' the duds... especially the flip flops. Fabulous. And I love the egg hunt. love little Oliver's facial expressions. Funny that we have enough kids just in my immediate family to fill a park. :)
He most certainly is a studd-muffin!!! Today we had a egg hunt for Chelsea and dad video-ed it. In it he says, " Becky!!! Leave some for the other kids!!!" Does that sound familar? What a fun little girl you were.
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