My cousin Andrea's little girl Cambria had a school field trip and we were invited to go! We went to a place called Tanaka Farms in Irvine and it was so darling. We got to pick pumpkins (of course), pick vegetables, take wagon rides, and pet sheep and goats. Ps, these two are second cousins but couldn't they totally be siblings??
Picking green beans.

Andrea and Cam. I love these girls and love that we get to hang out all the time.

Carrots are yummy. We came home and made soup from these.

Look at that pint sized body. She look so hilarious walking around because she doesn't look like she should be yet. Move out of her way though cause she can sure go.

A stray radish being put to good use.

So I've heard this rumor that California has no open space anymore and is too overpowered by smog to resemble a country side. Well here's proof to the fact that I think here is pretty awesome. This farm for instance is 10 minutes from Newport Beach. I would have to say that's called having the best of both worlds. Trouble is, we get to pay and arm and a leg for picking vegetables cause it's so "organic". I can't even begin to imagine what kind of money this farm is raking in. Literally.

Ollie found the center of the corn maze! I actually had no idea where he was and hoped I would turn the corner and find him. Luckily he was there. He was lost a few times throughout the day. Thank goodness I had a few other eyes watching.

Mom, come this way!

Amelie was not sure about being put up here with all these pumpkins. Can you tell?

Ollie and his cuteness. I love love love Halloween!
So fun :) I am glad you came, even if it was a little pricey!! I love that photo, it really is beautiful here! It was so green in that valley. We need to go back for Strawberries and make jam ;)
I am loving your posts Becks! Ollie's hair is darling (so is Ryan's but that would be weird to comment on) and they are getting SO BIG! (your kids, not Ryan... haha). Hope you guys are doing great... xoxo
we're picking pumpkins today! hooray for all of us!
Oh my babies! I miss them!
Awwww! So sad that we didn't get to go with you guys! :( Cash has been saying he wants to name our baby "Amelie" lately. It's pretty cute that he's in love with her. You guys just have to come up here since we'll be having a little bundle in a couple weeks. Oh man! I love all your pictures-thank you!
Yay for pumpkins! Tanaka Farms is so great. The kids look darling out there. Amelie eating the radish...too cute!
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