Monday, October 4, 2010

October is seriously the best

It's official, the fall is the BEST season there is and I don't care what anyone else has to say about it. Today we woke up with rainy skies, drizzle, and blustery wind. We put up all our Halloween decorations, went to the library and checked out all the Halloween books we could get our hands on, and then made the most decadent homemade chicken noodle soup.

Both kids went to bed amazingly well tonight. Oliver and I drew up a picture about how he needs to stay in his bed all night instead of coming into mom and dad's room and wanting to sleep there (he has a little bed set up next to ours for the Ami crying nights). I realized today that Ami has been sleeping all night for a while now but Ollie still comes in at night. So I drew this picture of Ollie sleeping in his bed with a big smile on his face and Ryan and I sleeping in our bed down the hall with big smiles on our faces. We talked about how happy everyone is to sleep in their own beds. Ollie calls our bed "mama's bed" and he kept pointing out that Ryan gets to sleep there too then he'd say "wait a minute" and look for Dad's bed. So funny. After I finished explaining the picture to Ollie, he told me everything back almost word for word. He's getting to be such a smart kid. Let's see how tonight goes. I'm ready for a full nights sleep:) You wouldn't think waking up a few times at night would cause so much fatigue but it sure does for me.

In other news, this blog is going private my friends. I have totally been avoiding it because I sort of love that anybody can look at my blog but then I think about the crazy people that could be looking at my blog and it creeps me out. Actually, after watching an Oprah episode on a craigslist rape victim, I got a little spooked and decided better safe than sorry. Poor Ryan had wanted me to go private for a little while now and he was like now you'll go private for Oprah! I do love that woman. I love you more though:) But yeah, in my ideal world I am completely trusting of individuals but I realize that when it comes to my family, I can't always be that naive. I still hold fast to the fact that most people are totally trustworthy and good, but for those who aren't, you will not be invited into my life.

So please, if you do read this blog, send me your email and I will add you to the invited readers list. Since my comments must be moderated, your email will not appear for the public so have no fear. I think blogs are an amazing tool to connect with people and it really does make me sad to do this. Anyways, if you're there and read this, I love you! Keep reading.

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