And I had to highlight our little girls bottom and top teeth. Since when was she such a big girl? ( 9 months old that day!)
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Sunday, June 27, 2010
It's official...
I'm A Doula!
If you want to know exactly what this means, check it out here. There are still a few more steps to be completely certified through DONA but I can actually practice as a Doula, just not certified, for now. Wow, I have so many ideas running through my head. My mind is full of babies, birth, support, massage, labor, music, movement, pressure, planning, listening, preparation, love, mothering, giving, receiving. At one point, a midwife came in to talk to us as a guest speaker and she told us how she feels about what she does. She talked about the pressure and struggle of labor for the mother and this intensity in the room that exists and builds. Then all of the sudden...that baby is here, and this stillness sweeps over the room, like angels are handing it over. The whole room was in tears, including the midwife, and I thought to myself, these are my people.Thursday, June 24, 2010
It's someone's birthday...

-Ryan always puts others first.
-He never expects credit or rewards for the things he does. There have been plenty of times he's let others take credit for the amazing things he does.
-He is not a complainer. Ryan leaves the house at 5 and gets home around 8. He usually sits in traffic for two hours on the way home. Even when bending over backwards at work to get the job done, his team in constantly criticized and under appreciated. Even with all this, he rarely complains. That is amazing.
-He is always looking for ways to help. This is one of my favorite things about having Ryan as a husband.
-I'm pretty sure that he tells me everyday at least once that I am either beautiful, sexy, or that he loves me. Usually all three. Husbands of the world, take note.
-Ryan knows his priorities...the Lord first, us second, and the kids third.
-Ryan was an amazing missionary. There have been a few times we ran into a returned missionary who was like, "man, they still talk about you on the mission".
-Ryan doesn't guard himself against being vulnerable and he isn't prideful. He is always genuine about who he is.
-He does not second guess the motivation of others and gives everyone the benefit of the doubt.
-He is really funny. We share the same humor which is really convenient. I also love that his humor is more surprising than deliberate.
-I love his freckles, and that Oliver is getting them.
-I love that our baby girl is looking more and more like him everyday.
-Ryan is pretty extroverted and has an easy time making friends.
-I love the he loves my cooking and will rave and rave about whatever I make.
-I love that he doesn't play video games.
-Although he likes sports, he isn't obsessed with watching it.
-Ryan loves to get active and busy but can also cuddle up in a blanket and watch a movie.
-I love that he tears up in all the same songs that I do, and in all the same places in movies. Well actually I tear up a lot more, but he can totally get why. I never feel like he can't understand.
-Basically he debunks all the classic negative husband stereotypes.
Ry, I seriously can't believe my good luck ending up with you. How could one girl be so lucky.
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
It was Father's Day

My Dad is pretty wonderful. He is such an easy person to be around. He is always really happy and funny. He loves his growing family and I know he's the happiest when we're all together. We often joke that if he could just buy up a street of homes, maybe everyone will move here. And you know, if he could, he would do it.

My Dad is constantly calling and asking when he'll get his "Ami fix".

Father's Day 2010!
Girls trip!

So originally this trip was planned to go to Leah's house to see U2 in concert, a total dream for all of us since the day we fell in love with them watching Rattle and Hum. Leah called with the sad news that Bono had injured his back and the concert was cancelled until further notice. We decided to still make a trip of it and just hang out. I left Ollie with both sets of grandparents who took turns and took Ami with me considering it was a girls trip after all. It was so fun to run around SanFran, do a little shopping, eat some yummy things, and stay up late talking with my sisters. It always makes me wish all my family was closer so we could do it all the time! Anyways I forgot my camera so I asked Leah to send me some pics from the trip. Leah was such a trooper. She has 18 month old Carson who is a total handful, a growing baby in her belly, and a pretty much absent Steve at home, and us to entertain! For the record, Steve is not an absent father/husband, he just had a lot previously planned during the time we were there:) It was most definitely a fun-filled trip, thanks girls!
Sunday, June 13, 2010
Today was a good day
We started off our Sunday morning with a walk here...

Then of course we were off to church for the afternoon. I gave a talk that actually went pretty well which for me is a huge relief. My talk was on taking full advantage of the time you're given in this life. When I find myself in a complaining sort of mood, it probably just means I need to be a little more grateful and use my time a little more wisely.
Then we drove down this canyon to get to the beach. Hands down one of the most beautiful drives down to the beach is through Laguna Canyon. Here are a few snapshots of the scenery.

I don't think we could love our ward anymore than we do. It really is pretty amazing when you realize that you are just where you're supposed to be, with the people you're supposed to be.
Oliver brought home a little box with his picture on it for Ryan that said "Chip off the old block". So darling.
Then we drove down this canyon to get to the beach. Hands down one of the most beautiful drives down to the beach is through Laguna Canyon. Here are a few snapshots of the scenery.

Then we headed here for some weekly therapy, as Ryan and I like to call it. Can listening to the oceans waves really be considered therapy? The answer is yes.

Amelie is sporting her two bottom teeth with pride and using it in her favor to get as much sand as possible into her mouth. She is currently getting both her top teeth as well. And I know it doesn't look like it, but her sand eating is slowing down a bit.

Then we saw this sad scene. It was hard to leave not knowing what would happen. I'll have to check into the situation to see if he ever made it back in the water. I sure hope so.

They had the whole area around him blocked off so he would not be disturbed. I heard a guy saying that sometimes when animals are sick, they will rest as long as they can to get a better chance of survival. The tide was coming up so maybe he was taking a power nap before he had to go back out. He seemed to be basking in the sunshine and throwing sand all over himself. He was seriously so cute.

Then we got home, put those kiddles to bed, and enjoyed some peace and quiet, and maybe ice cream and oreo cookies.
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