I just wanted to wish my wonderful mom a happy birthday today! One of my favorite memories with my mom was when she came up just before Oliver's birth to be there and help for the whole process. She spent a lot of time and money I'm sure to be there and take care of us, it meant so much to have her there. And it's not often I get to have my mom all to myself so that was really fun to share with her one of the best experiences of my life. It's something we'll always have together and I love her so much!
There's NOTHING quite like the baby-watch! It will always be the most memorable experiences of my life. Thank you for being my beautiful, amazing, full of life, daughter. You are a blessing to us all and especially to me!
Becks! Please call me, i need to see you! I called you but voice mail, so i hope to hear from you sooN! loves
OH my long lost friends! Becky your hair is super cute! Miss you guys. Oliver is adorable (as usual!)
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