Today the kids ventured out on Ryan's surfboard. Oliver has been watching these little kids his size go out with their own boards and take waves and I think he's getting the itch to learn and "surf like the big boys!"

Walking through our favorite little cave

Watching as the rain approached. We got indoors just in time for a major downpour. It has been crazy windy all week, as you can tell from poor cold Ollie's face:)

I feel like I always forget to take pictures of us so this is as good as it gets with a self-profile pic:)

Ollie practicing his balance on the waves

Still holding on:) I do have to say that Ollie has gotten really comfortable in the ocean. It's amazing to see him just dive in head first and swim in the waves. He's been getting beaten around a little bit which is always good to get used to when you're learning how to surf.

Amelie doesn't know yet that surfers don't suck their thumb. We're working on that one:)

This girl has basically no fear out in the water. I have no doubt that she will be swimming/surfing in no time.

Loving the waves!

So much fun

Ollie practicing paddling, you know, working up those arm muscles

It's working as you can tell

He has really amazing balance. He can even throw his boogie board out over the water and jump on it and ride it over the waves.

And I just had to include some pics of our hawaiian girl in what she wears most days now. She pulls her skirts way down around her waist and walks around shaking her hips. Hilarious girl. This is her loving on some cookie dough.
Pretty irresitible:) We are moving into our new place in Kailua in a week and cannot wait to get in and get settled. It is exactly what we were looking for and pretty much a huge tender mercy from above. I've been busy on craigslist this week buying all sorts of stuff for cheap, and refinishing lots of furniture. It's so fun to make things your own. Work is going great for Ryan, but the commute is really starting to get old. Just in time to be way closer! He never complains about it in true Ryan fashion. I can't wait to have him around a few extra hours a day. I'm going to get our little guest room looking so cute and comfy so visitors get ready, we will be expecting you! I'm missing my family today as they put to rest my sweet Uncle Phil who passed away this past week of cancer. His funeral was today and everyone spent the day together which is always a hard reminder of just how far away we are. Sending love and prayers their way.
You guys just look so at home in these pics! So happy your dream became a reality...oh and i can't wait to come visit!
Wow, as usualy, love you and your family and your pictures are kind of making me SICK. :) Glad that things are going well... Can't wait to visit your cute new house. I want more pictures!
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