Can someone tell me how this happened? Seriously, how is it that my "baby" is a full fledged big boy. I don't think I'm ok with it and the sad thing is it's happening whether I like it or not. It's so rude. Ryan and I have said on multiple occasions that we'd like time to freeze, and frankly, it's just not happening. Well I guess I have to get with the program. Here are some of my favorite things about my new 3 years old Oliver.
-There isn't a kid who's more fun to surprise than Ollie. He is ultimately excited about everything. Like last night we went to Chuck-E-Cheese and he had seen commercials on TV and had probably thought in his mind that this was some far off place in dream world. Well when we pulled up and he saw Chuck's head on the building he yelled "I found it momma, I found Chuck-E-Cheese"! He was SO excited like he just couldn't believe it was real.
-Oliver is very good at convincing others that they want what he wants. He'll ask you to go swimming and to make sure you heard him right, you say "You want to go swimming?" Then he says simply "OK", like it was your idea to begin with. This might take him places one day I think.
-Whenever Oliver thinks something is cool he must get EVERYONE to recognize it. If he sees something or has something to show you, he will go to each and every person in the room individually and show them, making them repeat exactly what he says. If you do not cooperate (Jeff) he will stand in front of you insisting until you cave. IE: Last night my Dad came in with a big chocolate bunny and Ollie needed to show it off to everyone. He finally runs over to Jeff, the last one to validate, and says "Jeff, look, a chocolate bunny", waiting for Jeff to be just as excited. Jeff loves this game to just looks at Ollie and waits, saying nothing. Ollie repeats himself about 5 times until, alas, Jeff caves and says "Chocolate Bunny" as excited as Ollie deems fit.
-Oliver has pretty much endless energy. Although exhausting sometimes, I think it will serve him well in life to have such a zest for it. He can wake up at 6, no nap it all day, and still be asking to play at bedtime.
-He loves treats. I should say I hate this but secretly it reminds me so much of myself. I lived for sweet things growing up(still do)and although I am not willing to indulge him all the time, I smile a little about how excited he gets about Lucky Charms, or as he calls it, "snack cereal".
-Oliver has a great sense of humor often laughing out loud to favorite books and shows. He uses the word "silly" a lot because life really is pretty silly through a toddlers eyes.
-Ollie loves puppies, kittens, bunnies, etc. Anything that is an animal and is small, he loves. He watches this Baby Einstein that has a scene where there are lots of white bunnies. Whenever they come on the screen he runs up and scoops them off the tv and holds them next to his cheek. He does this with most animals. Actually we have a weekly ritual to go visit the puppies at the mall pet store.
-He is always so excited to see Ami when she wakes up from a nap. His trademark welcome involves calling her "bubby" and tickling her under the chin, which she of course loves.
-Oliver loves to snuggle and I must spend a minute at night snuggling him before he goes to bed.
-Whenever prayers are said, Ollie must be the one to end it with an amen. If he isn't, we have to say the prayer again.
-He is pretty fearless and will always try anything. Whether I'll like that later, ask me then. But I do admire that the kid has guts and when he falls, he gets back up. He's never been the type to cry a lot at physical pain.
-He is very sensitive. I knew combining Ryan Facer and I would probably get this sort of outcome. I love that little tender heart.
Well I could go on and on. I love my little Ollie boy and thank God for him every single day. What a privilege it is to be his mom.
oh my goodness! i seriously laughed more than once at this, mostly because i've seen him do more than half of these things. the best is the bunnies, the excitement and the "ok" i feel like i always have someone agreeing with me (on the fun stuff) and yet, i'm the one agreeing with him. how does he do it? Job well done Ry and Becks!
Happy birthday Ollie! I wish I could have been there yesterday. I miss him.
Here's a blog that serves for your spiritual needs, and will surely be a blessing for you.
It has messages from the Holy Scriptures, taught by the Spirit of God.
These messages teach us how to have God in all the aspects of our lives and have God's rule over every matter :
Have a blessed reading and gladly write back if you need any prayer help.
God bless you and your family.
He is such a sweet little boy. Yeah tell me about it--Lucy will be 4 this year! 4!! Time goes by so fast. It is hard to remember that sometimes. Those pictures in your previous post are so cute!
He sounds so cute, I can't believe that I still haven't met him. I understand all about the endless energy, just wait until Ami is able to run too. It's amazing to have 2 kids.
He is really something else! It will be so fun to watch him grow.
Happy birthday Ollie...
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