It's about time for an update on our little girl. She is venturing on 6 months...I have no idea HOW that happened. The most common thing that people say about her, is that she looks just like a little doll. She is amazingly social and whenever I am in the middle of a conversation with someone and I'm holding her, they finally say, Ok I cannot focus on what you're saying because she just keeps smiling at me. She thinks that everything and everyone is so interesting and is always paying close attention to her surroundings. This may be because she has a very busy brother she is used to watching all day. She is also dying to get moving. She can get on her hands and knees and sort of bounce herself back and forth, waiting for her arms and legs to figure out how to get her body moving. I give her a few weeks before she is crawling. Nothing's going to hold that girl back from keeping up with Ollie. She is the happiest baby I have ever met. She is constantly smiling and laughing. Even when she is sad and cranky, she is still trying to smile. She squawks all the time, it's hilarious. Ryan calls her "gaviota" (little seagull). The girl loves to eat and has thighs to prove it. She thus far has refused to take a bottle although I haven't tried lately. She loves nursing and I haven't minded that this time around as much, after all it is free:) She started off a much better sleeper than she's become and I'm waiting to get into our own place to start sleep training. But something tells me it won't be too difficult. Now whether Oliver will mind sharing a room with her while she's sleep training is an entirely different subject. Basically we couldn't have prayed a better baby girl into our family. She makes life so much happier.
Notice she is wearing her Korea onesie for her Auntie Laura...and in the last picture I think she looks just like her cousin Carson, don't you think Lee?
Ps...We may be moving this weekend if all goes as planned. Details soon to follow.
YES!!! She does look like Carson. Except for those Gerber baby eyelashes. Thank you for bringing me babies to love!!!
I don't know, I think she looks more like Ollie. She is adorable!
I love her! Those eyes are killer! And look @ Ollie's hair! Oh... I miss you guys. I want to live by the beach with you guys. We might be getting closer to doing it.
its so funny how all the cousins kind of look like each other every now and then. i was just looking at one of the pics of baby adam, and brian and i agree that he totally looks like newborn ollie in the picture. too funny.
Oh those eyes!!! I can't believe how big they are! She is really the most feminine little baby I have ever seen. Good thing she has big brother Ollie to take care of all the boys that are going to be chasing her.
nice blog
I've been such a slacker in the blogging world so I'm going to comment on everything!! First, your kids are so stinkin darling!! Seriously! You need to have lots of them they are so cute!! If I have another baby soon then you can come to the birth!! I tell everyone that is pregnant that I'd love to watch! I'm glad I'm not the only one obsessed with labor and delivery!! I really miss you guys! I know we never did much beyond hair but you have such a great outlook and attitude on life!! You are such a fun person to be around and an amazing mother!!
Awesome Eyes. Watch out in about 13 years, you will have to fight off the boys! W.C.C.
Those eyes are amazing! What a sweet girl. Glad things are going well.
what a gorgeous child!
She's the cutest gaviota I've seen. Can we get a shot that accentuates her thighs?
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