Here are my 36 week shots. Pretty impressive I should say. It's funny because when you're not pregnant you think "How did I ever get that big? I couldn't have actually been THAT big". So you have to document it to prove that it really did happen. One of my favorite moments this week was at church. My sisters Annie and Laura got ahead of me and then stopped to wait and just burst into laughter. They were like, "all we can do is laugh, it's not personal". I agree, the belly is in charge. And as much as it's making me uncomfortable and giving me no sleep, I know I'll miss it and being pregnant so might as well enjoy it. I also forgot to mention that I took Oliver to a sibling class the hospital was putting on and I tell you, that kid is a natural. He went right over to the baby dolls, picked one up and a bottle, and sat down to feed it. Of course towards the end the baby was getting dropped on it's head big time, but these things take time. The instructors were shocked that he didn't have a baby doll at home he had been practicing with. What can I say. I'm just so maternal that it leaks into my 2 and a half year old boy's behavior. It's only natural. As much as I told myself not to get psyched out about wanting her to come early, I totally am. It's just that right around my due date we have a million things going on with my sister's farewell and my entire family being here. So I either want her two weeks early or a week late.
Hmmmm, I opt for two weeks early. You can't blame a girl. It's funny how I actually feel like I'll have more energy after she gets here cause at least then I won't be pregnant:)
And La Canada's on fire...
I think the last stats were that 1500 acres had burned and it was 5% contained. The view from Foothill Blvd. looks straight out of a movie, it's crazy. Ryan and I went outside yesterday to watch it around 6 just as the fire was coming over the mountain. In a matter of minutes, it came over the top and huge flames had taken over. It was crazy. So of course that night we had to drive up and get as close as possible. Why do I have a total fascination over fires? I know they are sad and destroy things, but sometimes it's just so cool to watch. So since just coming over the mountain last night, it is now all over the whole face of the mountain, threatening all the homes in Greenridge. My mom said she saw helicopters going into people's backyards and taking water from their pools. All yesterday and today, I'm just hearing this continuous drone of air crafts hard at work. It really makes me choked up to see firefighters and planes and helicopters fighting something so huge and powerful. It seems they are understaffed because we just kept saying, there's no way it will come down to there or there, and then it does. It is very scary. Thank heavens there are no winds because if there were, we would all be in huge trouble. For documenting purposes I'll put a few pics up I found online. Keep La Canada in your prayers...

Here is
JPL and the view of the mountains behind.
JPL is literally right next to my house although we are in no danger here. I think we're about as far down as you can get from the fires. Plus I know they would never let this thing get near
you look great!! you are right, you totally think man I was huge, then you look back at pictures from before you got pregnant and you think how did I get skinny again?
You look soooooo good being prego!!! Ummm, I think of you and Kristen all the time I pass La Canada. I don't drive through it much now that we don't live in SD but I will keep it in my prayers. :) I hope it gets contained and your house will be safe.
You look so good!!!! This fire is so scary!!!
Looking good, Becks! I can't believe Amelie is almost here! I hope she comes early for you.
Thanks for posting pictures about the fire. I can't believe how much has burned! I'm glad your family is safe. We'll be praying!
I just think baby girl should come on the 25...good ppl are born on the 25! And becs i need your address, could you email it to me please?
Unbelievable! Fire, not tummy. You guys are going to need masks in order to breath!
Ok so we got your emails and text! Sorry that weekend was crazy...we were celebrating our anniversary and Daniels parents were here too. But I think we should hang out! I think this weekend we might be getting together with Parker and Jessica too. It could be a reunion!
Hey Becks! Sorry I missed you again this weekend :) Hope you are feeling good and staying away from all this smoke! Call me if you want to get ice cream or something this week... Lots of love to you, Ollie and Ryan!
So I've been in the mountains for a week and I feel like I missed EVERYTHING! I can't believe your baby girl is almost here... I want to come see you when she gets here. :) I'm SO sorry you can't sleep. You think Heavenly Father would let us get all the sleep possible before the baby got here... I miss the Facer family so incredibly much! Those pictures of the fires are crazy. I hope they stay contained. Anyway, we love you guys... besos!
Holy! I can't believe how close that is to you guys. I am worried now :( That is really insane. You look adorable, the belly does look in charge haha love you!
PS has your camera come yet??!
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