Also, since Ryan and I have gone out golfing a few times, Oliver has become pretty passionate about the sport (I use that word very lightly with golf). So today I bought him a plastic set for 3 bucks at Big Lots. The minute I unwrapped it, he threw the pack over his arm and said "bye" in the funniest way, with such attitude. He then went out to the grass in the backyard to set up his own personal game.

One of my favorite things lately with Ollie is bedtime prayers. When we say them, he makes Ryan and I stand right next to each other so we are close enough for him to put both his arms around our necks and he tried repeating our prayer in his sweet little voice, it usually sounds something like this.
Me: "We're thankful for dadda"
Ollie: "Dadda"
Me: "We're grateful for all our blessings"
Ollie: "Blessings"
Me: "Help us to be kind and loving"
Ollie: "Kind and loving"
So you get the idea. And whenever he hears an amen, he is like "amen!". Such enthusiasm. And we always say "love you" when we say goodnight, and he says it over and over as we leave the room, in his little sing song voice. It really is the best.
A favorite game lately is "I get you". Ryan will always say, "I'm gonna get you" and then chase Oliver around the house. Now Ollie is the one saying "I get you" and then Ryan hides while Ollie runs around the house yelling dadda until he hears Ryan squeaking hints from his hiding spots. It pretty hilarious to watch cause usually Ryan startles him and he squeals for joy.
He is starting to talk a lot more and a lot clearer. Sometimes I still think he's combining English and Spanish and I just have to have him show me what he wants. But it's getting there. Lately he will only need to hear a word once and then days later will still remember it, so that's big improvement. The delay is normal for bilingual kids and I know it will pay off when he's acing Spanish in High School:) The other day at church he went up to one of the members in choir and said "chocala" which is high five in Spanish. It was so funny. I feel like I'm laughing all day with him because he really does the funniest things. I can't wait to see what kind of crazy kid he will grow into. He is such a wild man and such a total boy but also the sweetest, most sensitive little guy. That's a good combo. We were watching Lars and the Real Girl, one of my top faves and also all of Ollie's favorite songs, and he seriously sat through the whole movie, well almost. The best part was that whenever anyone was sad or the music would change, Ollie would look at me and his eyebrows would furrow and he just said "sad". He is so intuitive and can key into emotions amazingly well, especially when music is involved. Maybe he'll write beautiful music one day like his favorites from Lars. He is so amazing.
Oh I love the Oliver stories. Keep them coming. I am so excited that you are only going to be 5 hours away. We'll have to have lots of road trips to see each other.
As always, such fun to read. Love ya Beks!
Awww so sweet! Aren't little boys just the best?
First of all, THANK YOU for "not" showing us a picture of his new talent!!!
And secondly, how's his lip/chin?
Love the stories. You have a gift for telling them well.
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