So something very unusual has happened. Oliver, much to our dismay, as a baby NEVER took binky's. So basically they've just been lying around the house in different toy baskets and such. So anyways, a couple weeks ago, Ollie just started picking them up and trying them out. At first, we totally freaked out cause it was just so darling to see him be a baby. So I think he must have thought, wow this gets me a lot of attention, I'll keep it up. Well, now he actually loves it and does not want to put it down. Stupid binky's. Now I know why all you parents give out the binky's, they are so convenient! Making noise, pop, quiet, it is so nice. I think parents are more pacified by them than even the kids:) Since Ollie is at an important speech stage I refuse to let the binky win, so we are going through the house today and finding them and saving them for when there is an actual "baby" in the house, sorry Ollie. So this doesn't mean that on certain occasions, like when I might lose it, I will pull out an emergency fix. Cause, man, now I know why I want to have a binky baby next, they sure are quiet! But a binky toddler? Nice try.
He probably decided they were pretty great because afterall his big girl cousin has one and she pretty much loves it!
You did the same thing when you were his age! Mom
oh the binky. katherine really isnt a paci baby either, only uses one to go to sleep. i wish sometimes she would take one more often!
That is so funny! He looks so cute with it in, but you are right to not let him win this one :) My kids weren't huge pacifier kids either.
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