Well Oliver's first actual accident happened and we (meaning Ryan and I) survived. I swear we have never moved so fast. So since he's walking everywhere now, he thinks he's invincible to the law of gravity. We were saying goodnight to the outside on our back porch and he lunged forward, letting go of my hand and before I realized what had happened, he went face first down the steps. It was so scary, even though there are only 4 steps, I almost died. So we picked him up and his poor little face and nose were so scratched and bleeding. It was so sad, he was not a happy boy. But the next day when we went to work, I could tell he was proud of his battle wounds, now that he's officially a big kid:) Just the start of many more scratches and bruises I am sure.
poor thing...course you know when you are explaining to people what happened some one might be thinking "yeah right becky totally got mad at the poor guy and took it out on him"
I must say, I love Magen's comments. They're hilarious. Also, I really loved your post before this one. It actually hit me really hard around Easter and reading King Benjamin saying, "Are we no all beggers?" It must have been the timing around the Holiday. Anyway, I enjoyed it. Also, I'm VERY excited to see you guys this weekend!!
Such a boy...I'm sure that he is proud of his wounds. Such a cute boy. It was so wonderful spending time with him last weekend!
i second mary's comment. only mags would think of child abuse in a situation like this - love it. please his poor beautiful face, but yes there will be many more of those wounds. I can bet that you cried more than he did. don't worry, you're still a great mom. love you!
Oh how sad. Don't you hate to see them get hurt. You are right, there will be many more! But he is still so cute.
I know how scary that can be. I hate that feeling. I'm glad he's okay though. Their little bodies can definitely handle more than ours can.
He is such a boy, it is crazy! I am glad he's ok!
Poor boy-- He's still so cute even with the scratches. It's bound to happen sometime, kids can be so fast and wiggely! Jack does this nose dive out of my arms all the time. It's just luck that I have caught him before he actually plumets.
What a cutie! That is so sad. I hate when Kash gets hurt! I went to Hawaii a few weeks ago and drove by our old house. I couldn't help but laugh at all the old times! We had so much fun and I only wish I was as dedicated to working out now as we were then! haha in my dreams!
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