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Such a dirty boy
So today has been a little rough. Oliver woke up from his nap screaming which never happens and I went in to get him and he has thrown up all over himself,and everything else, very sad and a lot gross. So he got a bath and a change of clothes of course. So then like an hour later he had a really scary explosion in his diaper which pretty much got everywhere, no need to explain further. So another new outfit and a good wipe down. Then about an hour later there was another explosion, just as deadly. Poor outfit and hose down. So I was like, are you serious?? And then I leave him in the room while I go to the bathroom for literally like 2 minutes and I come in and this face is what I see. We have a fireplace that he LOVES to get into, and smear his hands all over the sooty walls. So that episode followed a semi-bath in the sink and a new outfit. Are you keeping track of this. That's hmmmmm...4 different outfits in one day, 5 counting his jammies. You gotta love it, plus he's so darn cute. And who can resist a baby who's not feeling well. All he wants to do when he's sick, is snuggle with mom, it's very sweet. 
Maybe that is part of his sleeping problems...maybe he'll sleep for you once he's better. And that pic of his face with soot KILLS me! I LOVE IT!
Ok, so that is probably my worst nightmare (vomit and poo), but you have to admit that the soot is pretty funny. I was cracking up when I saw that picutre. I'm sorry that you had a bad day and I hope that Ollie is feeling better!
I want that baby clean or dirty!!! Mom
Poor guy! And poor fun. He is a boy, that's for sure! I was laughing too when I saw the soot picture, he is determined to be messy!
mmmmm. yummy dirty baby. YOu'd better bring him down with you when you come to stay with me while the rents are in Hawaii. Other wise, you're not invited. I'm EXCITED!
I love it. That is hilarious. The fireplace part, not the throwing up and explosions part. Lucy has also faked us out on sleeping through the night. She has done it enough times, just not consistently so its always a fake out whether we get sleep or not. I swear I would just rather KNOW I was going to be up all night instead of hanging on to a small sliver of hope.
Oh my gosh, he is so cute. Oh and there will be so many more messes and explosions. Poor little guy...had a rough day.
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