I had to share this tender story from my little Ollie. The other day we were at the skatepark down the street (like we are most days). Usually Oliver hangs out at the skatepark refining his moves and Amelie and I take our neighbors dog for a walk around the park that surrounds the skatepark. I am usually within earshot of Ollie but today we wandered a little farther than normal. Ami and I were running around with the pup and out of nowhere I felt Ollie's voice in my head. Usually he can hang at the skatepark for over an hour and it had only been about 45 minutes. Anyways I turned and started heading quickly towards the skatepark. As I turned a corner and had it in my sights I saw Ollie sitting on the grass leaning against a baseball field fence. I couldn't tell if he was hurt or what but I tried calling to him but he couldn't hear me. He got up and started heading in my directions and I saw that he was wiping tears from his eyes. I started running. Finally he saw me and dropped his skateboard and helmet and came running. When he got to me his eyes were red and wet and he told me that he couldn't find me. I told him I was so sorry I went to far and I wouldn't do it ever again. I asked him if he was scared and he said yeah mom but then I sat down and said a prayer to Heavenly Father that he could help me find you and then I found you! I was just in tears at the faith my little boy had. I know this sounds small but it was another testament that prayer is real, even from a little 5 year old. Heavenly Father hears each of us. I heard my little Ollie even though he was out of earshot. I am thankful for these small and simple miracles I get to experience on a daily basis with my little ones.
That is so sweet Becky! Oliver is a special boy & how amazing that his little prayer was so powerful. It doesn't surprise me a bit! That is a very sweet story & hopefully something that will stick with him. Oh I miss you guys.
I am totally teary reading this. What a tender heart he has - this we always knew, but now is confirmed once again.
Thank you Becky. I love that he knew who to turn to for help. You are doing such a great job teaching him to have faith.
OH MY GOODNESS I DON'T BLOG OR LOOK AT BLOGS IN A FEW MONTHS AND YOU GUYS MOVED TO HAWAII!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That is awesome. Good for you! P.S. Pretty sure you have the most gorgeous kids of all time.
That's an awesome story! What an incredible little boy. And amazing parents for teaching him. We love you guys!
i love this story. LOVE that sweet ollie.
This is such a tender story. I hope you record this in your journal. What a great teaching moment. This should be a conference story.
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