This is the face Ollie makes when I tell him to look sweet. Works for me:)

Chubby baby bodies in the sand= happiness

Me and my kiddos

Dad teaching Amelie a thing or two about sand toys


and more snuggles

Sand really is so cool

Girlfriend's first bun. It was a fluke when I was putting her hair up because she moved and this is how far I got to pull it through. I decided to leave it cause it looked a little sumo-ish and Ami is packing on the pounds lately.

My sweetheart and I

Oliver is gearing up to throw a huge handful of sand at this bird but you could never tell by how serene the scene is:)

Oliver is his very first wetsuit. That deserves a shaka I believe.

Out to the waves

Devin and Ryan, the hubbies as we like to call them. I've decided that these boys look too young for thier own good. Will my husband always look about 10 years younger than me. Not cool. You know you've got a problem when the girls at church are crushing on your man. Hands off girls. Hands off.
Looks like a perfect day. Dad willo be so proud to see Ollie in his wetsuit!
Becky: The kids are growing so fast. They are just beautiful and you look wonderful. Calif. agrees with U. See Tif often - haven't seen Lindey for a while now. Next time you come to Utah call - I'll get the group together and we can have lunch. Keep the pics coming I love seeing them.
Love you, love your darling kids, love (jealous) you live by a beach, and loved your comment on my blog! (Oh ya and LOVE those special kids :) And No I don't think it's weird that you say you miss me because I actually think that a lot when I look at your blog and remember how fun you were in Ecuador with those children as I read about how fun you are with your own. And I always find myself thinking about Ecuador times at this time of the year. Can you believe its been 6 years??
Saweeeet pictures. Cuuuuute kids, and SEXY Mama!! You all look so good. Miss you!
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