My brother Brian and his wife Amanda came all the way from Florida for a visit with their kids Katherine and Adam (who I had never met)! When some in the family come to visit, all the rest seem to follow so Leah and Steve came from Northern CA, and Annie with her little guy Gage came from Colorado where they just bought a house. I had also not met Gage yet so this was exciting time to meet two of my newest nephews.

Sometimes it is still crazy to think of my little brother as father of two. He is a pretty amazing Dad I do have to say.

Amanda with the newest Kelley addition, Adam. I love this boy, he is such a sweetheart.

The three smallest grandchildren Adam, Gage, and Amelie.

Ollie and Dad get some of their own loving time in.

Amelie with Auntie Chelsea. Since Chels is the youngest Aunt, she's bound to be the coolest, hippest who can totally relate to girl talk. They'll be great friends.

Leah at 20ish weeks ready to add yet another grandboy and son to her own family!

Ollie really appreciated Uncle Brian because he, like Steve, knows how to play rough. Brian might have decided on a few instances that maybe in fact Ollie's rough was a little too rough.

Seriously, this face.

Carson getting into all kinds of mischief but being very cute at it.
Isn't this dress just to die for. My mom and I got it in Ecuador when she came before the Amazon trip. We just knew at some point I'd have to have a girl. I didn't imagine something as sweet as this!

Family time is great! And that Ecuadorian sundress is something else. So beautiful.
Thanks for all the great pictures Becks. Fun for us all.
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