Here's what happens after a long drive and desperate parents. You give a 10 month old a piece of licorice and never look back. Well you only look back when it's over and you take full credit for the mess and of course snap a picture. Probably best 20 minutes of Ami's life thus far.

We had time to kill before we met the Johnson's at the Wal-Mart in Page and so we went to the visitors center at the St George Temple. It was a good time.

Family Picture!

Team Cash and Ollie, back together again.

Captain Ollie and Captain Cash take the wheel to scout out our sweet spot.

Prego Mary looking gorgeous as always. I'm so excited to see another baby girl Johnson!

Ryan's totally rad 80's lifejacket. That jacket had Ryan written all over it.

Ollie sporting his own life jacket looking stylish.

Johnson family photo on Roxie.

This is basically how Ami was 80% of the trip; nacked, in the sand, playing by the water. The beach that we pulled up to was so perfect for the kids. It's funny being at a beach where you're not worrying about your kids getting taken out by waves. Kinda nice.

This water was the most glorious water, seriously. I have a little phobia about deep water. I admit, there may have been a water shoe purchase made before the trip on my account. I know, they are so dorky but they just make me feel safer. Well my friends, I did not put on my water shoes once. Not even while I went surfing. It's good to conquer your fears.

I just have to say that I can already see a connection being made here with Ollie and Marley. And don't even get me started on the love between Cash and Ami. So they might grow up feeling more life cousins than friends but is it still ok if we force them to date?

Mary charging the waves. You almost can't tell that she's carrying a baby bundle under that jacket. I must say that Mary and I both rocked at surfing, well until the second day when I couldn't get up and got frusterated. But that first day I was proud of myself.

My husband doing what he does best. Such a natural. And so good looking too.

Check it.

Playing in the water. Oliver is a water child in every way. He always wants to be in it and always wants to be doing whatever his Dad is...as you can see below. He is a fantastic swimmer.

He could have done this all day.

Just a couple sunbathers.

Ryan tubing with the three kids.

Marley Jane being cute.

Well gente festejana (as Ryan would say). It was so much fun. Thanks for inviting us along. We can't get enough of you. When will we resolve this California/ Idaho issue? Or better yet, when will we vacation in Hawaii three months out of the year so we can all live in the water together. We love you guys, thanks for the awesome trip.
Great pictures Becks- Looks like alot of fun. Ami is so chill, Oliver the complete opposite, Ryan so athletic and Mary.... so sexy!
It looks like you guys had a blast! Love the one of Oliver and Dad wakeboarding and you and Amelie Sunbathing. What darling children!
YAY!!! I have actually looked for your blog (cause I heard you talking about blogs once), so I'm so happy to find you here! Yes, I love reading blogs, etc, too and love seeing extra little details and pix. You know what??? I was going to say that YOU guys are the cutest family ever. It's so fun to get to know you and to hang out. I hope we can more often. I know our babies will be great friends, too. I can just tell! :) xo
Looks like you guys had fun! I wonder if we were there the same time.. When were you there? What part did you go to? It's fun that you and the Johnson family can see each other so much!
I want to go to the lake so bad after seeing those pictures. Looks like a perfect family vacation after Ry's intense job.
Oh man, those are some FABULOUS pictures... you did a much better job documenting than I did. I need to get some of those from you. Thanks for the fun! I need to put your surfing picture up...
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