Can you believe this little face is already 7 months old! She is a crawling, sitting up master and even stands up holding her toys. This girl is busy busy, talking and going all day. Recently sleep has been a rough issue. That wonderful sleeping newborn has left and now we have a fussy sleeper. Hopefully it won't last and she will figure out how to get some sleep, and maybe soon the rest of us will too. She needs really consistent naps during the day to sleep well at night which isn't so convenient when all you want to do is spend the day at the beach. Beach napping is the next step. I mean who wouldn't want to nap at the beach? Every outing is still stalled by people wanting to talk to, hold, kiss, or snuggle her. It actually takes about twice as long to get through a grocery run because we are stopping for Amelie to have her social time with all her new friends. She has finally started to take the occasional bottle! She is not picky about food and will eat anything I give her. She is just growing and growing.
My little sister Chelsea got home from BYU for the summer so she came to stay with us for a few days. It was so fun having one of my sisters here. Wouldn't life just be great to have your family around all the time? I could hang out with my sisters all day. I nominate a family-wide move to Orange County. It's not too much to ask. Anyways it was great to have her here and Oliver is totally smitten with Chelsea. After she left late last night, Ollie woke up in the middle of the night and came in our room and said "I want Chelsea".
We are So excited for May! Regan, Pete, and Noelle are coming for a week to San Clemente. Aaron, Meg, and Nita Jr are coming all the way from South Africa for a visit. We get to meet Nita for the 1st time! My best friend Brooke is getting married to Mr. Luke and all my best friends from college are coming for the wedding. I CAN'T WAIT! Life is so much better when all the people you love most are close by.
i love that gorgeous girl! i can't believe she is 7 months already, crazy! did you get my e-mail?
No STOP!!! She is growing too fast. I miss my babies sooo much!
I'm so sad I can't come to the wedding and see all you girls. Better safe than sorry. I would love to talk labor with you. I am scared and not sure what to expect. You need to call me. I would love to catch up. Tell everyone hi for me at the wedding and that I love you all!
We are so excited to come too! Ami is one of the most beautiful little babies I have ever seen, seriously.
Yeah!! I'm so glad you put a post up. I've been going through Facer withdrawls. She's so stinkin' big!! I totally understand the nap thing... that's exactly how Cash was. Seriously, can you believe we're only 10 days from being in CA?!?!?!
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