If you were a Kelley growing up, you are very familiar with the "Watch Me Sing" kids music series. Well my mom recently purchased them all on cd and gave copies to all the kids+grandkids. The best part is, that we all still remember those songs, even the parts of the songs that were damaged and would repeat. I half expect them to skip in all the same places listening to them now:) Anyways I got Ollie and Ami their very own cd player for their room and I've discovered that it does miraculous things. I can put in "Watch Me Sing" or "Yo Gabba Gabba" and this magical thing happens. They are totally content and happy to play in their room and listen to music. It's priceless.
And honestly, Oliver is so happy to have a friend in there to play with, even if she is a pint sized 6 month old. It just feels like a regular party to him. I also got the greatest mix of classical music. It puts Ollie into this sort of trance, he loves it so much. So I just had to snap a shot of them playing in their room. Which by the way, is awesome.
Oliver slept so horrible at my parents and Ryan's parents house. Since we've moved and he has his own bed, he has slept all night in it, only a few times venturing out. Amazing. Ami is however not sleeping so great. We might have to move Ollie out of there for a few nights and do some sleep training (ie: crying) because that little girl needs to work it out.
Also, I've recently been trying to introduce a bottle to Ami. Like occasionally it would be awesome if she took a bottle so we could go out for more than 2 hours at a time. I've never heard that girl scream so much, she was so mad at me. Over the last few days though she has finally learned to drink water from a bottle so maybe that's a step towards progress. I feel for the kid and all but honestly nursing is a little annoying. I so envy the small chested ladies who nurse and it's wonderful. It's just not the same for the rest of us who get huge. Plus I don't feel like I get my body back until I stop. I don't know, I want to and I don't. We'll see.
Anyways, Ryan's job is nuts. I can honestly say that he is not enjoying this particular project and is counting down the days to be transferred. It's just a total mess. By the time he gets home around 8:00 we are both exhausted. The weekend is too short. I miss my husband and he misses us.
The awesome part is that we live in this great place. I am falling more in love with Aliso each day. Our ward here is awesome. There are parks on every corner. People everywhere are so nice. I can walk almost anywhere. I've been in love with the stormy weather we've been having lately. Hearing the wind through the palm trees and seeing the sheets of rain come up over the bright green hills is pretty magical. And even if for just an hour at night Ryan and I get to cuddle by the fire before bed, it's heavenly. Ps, that picture of Ami at the top looks just like Ryan when he was little, just like him. Daddy's girl.
I don't think your kids could get any more adorable!!
Seriously every picture they are adorable! And Becs as far as the belly picture goes i'm trying to avoid them.. You know how i am :) We did take some pics up the canyon the other day so I will probably post those this week, but they aren't belly pictures.
So cute!
I love that they play together... it's the BEST! Cash is so excited to go to San Diego and see: Ollie, Amalie, Becky and Ollie's Ryan. :) I love your pictures. Thank you.
we grew up with that too! and i got it for christmas from my mom last year! see me run... running around in circles, running and running...i love it!! did you listen to safety kids too? your kids are gorgeous. i'm glad you're back in CA and so happy! :)
Brian and I were cracking up over the picture of Ollie at the bottom. That is such a Katherine face, except with short blonde hair. They look so much alike to me! And I just love little Ami girl. I hope you can come visit soon with her so we can trade babies to snuggle with. I miss you guys. Katherine is totally obsessed with See me run too.. she knows all the lyrics to practically the whole cd haha. Anyway, call me sometime! Love you!
Oh p.s. I was going through my wedding pictures and I found one of me with 2 month old Oliver. I'll have to post it, its a really cute picture.
oh and i totally know what you mean about breastfeeding. adam is almost 2 months old and i am still engorged. something is not right about that. ugh.
Love the pictures! Now I am online looking for those cd's! I haven't even heard of them, how sad!!! I love new kids music though, even though they prefer the beatles over anything. (thank you very much!) Love you and I am so happy you are enjoying it there! It looks like we might be trying to get out there sooner than I thought! Call me.
I hear ya on all counts with nursing. Jacob is still not taking a bottle or eating baby food very well.
Congrats on the new house! So exciting. We'll have to make a visit.
Your kids are as cute as ever. Love their big blue eyes.
check it out
Wierd. In these pics she looks more like a Kelley baby with that round head and big eyes. How funny
they are really cute, hope the best (:
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