Friday, January 11, 2013


I am being struck with major guilt as I finally write about this 3rd pregnancy!  My other pregnancies were so well documented, sad.  It doesn't help that our camera has been broken for months and apparently no one in Hawaii can fix it.  I have been taking belly shots here and there on instagram, which I need to figure out how to load to my blog.  Ahhhh facebook and insta, the ruin of blogs.  I am making a goal that even if I don't have pictures to post, words are much more important.  This blog is sort of all I've got since I'm not much of a journal writer.  So onto my sweet baby Norah...

Ryan and I had been playing with the idea of getting pregnant again but I have to say it was a long process.  I was loving my nice long break from babies, and really savoring Oliver and Amelie at their ages when they are so independent and fun to watch.  I was thinking, do I really want to mix things up with another little one?  How could I possibly love another as much as I love these two.  I can't say there was this lightbulb moment when we decided the time is right, lets do it!  It just sort of happened and when I took that pregnancy test and saw a faint positive line, a huge smile spread across my face.  I went to show Ryan (we were vegging out in bed watching Grey's Anatomy) and he was like, "what does that mean, the line is faint.  Does that really mean your pregnant?"  I was like yeah babe, even a faint line means pregnant!  What do you think!  It was that fun but crazy moment when you realize another life is growing right before you're very eyes but it doesn't seem real yet.

I'd always thought that if we had a third it would be a boy.  Right when I found out I was pregnant I told Ryan, this is a baby girl.  I just know it.  And her name is Nora.  I have never had an easy time finding names for my kids and actually calling them by their name, especially before they are born feels so weird.  This little girl just came with a name and spirit from the start.

My feelings of excitement started fading a little once the morning sickness hit.  I always feel so bad about that but it's so hard to be excited for a chubby little baby when you're just thinking about getting from one day to the next.  And when there are no other signs of the pregnancy than being sick, you feel like you've caught this really bad bug and sort of forget about the baby part.  This was the sickest I have been so far and I wasn't expecting that since Amelie was even easier than Oliver's pregnancy.  Maybe I'm getting old:)  At 15 weeks I started feeling her move and one night Ryan felt her move and it just makes it all real.  She seems to be a pretty laid back baby.  She moves a lot in the evening a few hours before bed and that's pretty much the only time I really notice her acrobatics.  Maybe that means she will be an amazing sleeper?  Yes please.  I'm still having sick incidents here and there but now that I'm more than halfway there, I feel so much better.  Now is the time to start getting really excited to meet this little girl. 

We told my family she was a girl on Christmas Eve and I made a cake and dyed it pink.  When I cut the cake and held it up and everyone found out it was a fun moment because I had led everyone to believe she was a boy:)  Amelie was thrilled, of course, for a baby sister but poor Ollie wanted a brother so bad.  He just kept saying, please say boy, please say boy.  When he found out he just put his head in his hands and cried.  I tried to tell him how awesome two sisters would be and that since he is such a good big brother, Heavenly Father decided to send two girls for him to watch over.  He was fine but I was a little sad for him.  That night at bed, I said, Ollie are you going to love the baby even if she's a girl?  He said yes mom!  And then leaned over and said "Merry Christmas baby Norah, I love you".  That boy melts my heart.  He had never since complained about his baby sister.  I wish I had that boys positive outlook on life.  He is such a light. 

Amelie keeps saying, mom, I'm a big sister.  Just matter of fact.  I was inititally a little worried about how she'd handle a new baby but honestly I think she's going to love it.  It will be so fun to see some sister love.  I know all about sister love.  Ryan can't wait for another baby girl.  Although it has recently occured to him that he will now have to give two daughters away and he's just not sure he can handle that.  I reminded him that you never really give your daughters away, they always stay close.  We are so excited to meet little Nora in May and can't wait to kiss her chubby cheeks as I'm sure they will be.  Our babies always come out rolly polly, just the way it should be.  We love you already baby Nora.  I have a feeling you're going to fit right in with our team.        


Brent and Nicole said...

So happy for you guys!! And I am happy to hear you say some feelings I have about having another baby. My love for Lincoln is so all-consuming and I worry about him so much, it's hard to think that I could add to that. But I know my heart will grow with each one...just hard to see how when I've only got one :)

The Locklins said...

Oh, Becky! I am so excited about your new addition and LOVE the name Norah! It's perfect. Thanks for sharing your heart and family here. I'm trying to get back to blogging too. ;)

Brooke said...

I cried a little reading this. Sometimes it's hard to see the beauty from redrimmed sleepless eyes, but the words you say are true. Families are such a beautiful blessing, thank you for reminding me. Love you and miss you always.

The Locklins said...

I am so happy to read this post. It is actually my second time reading it, but I was missing you so much, I wanted to 'hear" your voice again. I'm so happy about your family becoming five. I can't think of a more deserving couple for more beautiful blessings.

The McLane Blog Page: said...

Nora is going to be a lucky little lady! She's going to one of the coolest families in the world!!!! Congrats! Can't wait to meet her someday :)