Today we got to celebrate our little Amelie's 2nd birthday. The morning started off with an awesome rendition of the happy birthday song by Oliver and I, then Nana and Papa Facer called to sing, then Grandma and Grandpa Kelley called to sing! When I told Ami it was her birthday the first thing she said was "balloons". Of course. So we took Ollie to preschool and then went to the store to get stuff to make a bday cake. Ami wanted a chocolate cake even though Oliver was pushing for a princess cake. He just couldn't understand why a little girl wouldn't want a princess cake! She did pick out some colorful sprinkles and a #2 for her cake. So I let her help me stir and measure and lick everything off every spoon and bowl. We went to get Ollie from school and met Ryan by work to hit Ruby's for a birthday lunch. Ami even got a ice cream sundae with two cherries on top (one to share with Oliver). Then we went home for nap time which totally didn't happen and ended in everyone jumping in my bed to watch Alice in Wonderland. After dinner, we snapped a few pics of Ami with her cake she helped make and then went about eating it. All in all it was a great birthday minus Amelie having a pretty bad cold. But in true Ami Jane fashion, she didn't let it get her down and was still all smiles and full of mischeif today.
Amelie, you are truly such a joy to be around. I love that your such a happy girl. You are the perfect combination of sassy and sweet. I don't think Amelie will ever let anyone push her around:) She has this walk that is so hilarious. She's got swag that girl and she knows it. She was really the happiest baby I had ever seen and so friendly. Her personality has just gotten better and better and it's so much fun watching her turn into this little person. I love her little face and think that I probably smother her with kisses about a hundred times a day until she pushes me away. I just can't help it, she's irresistible. She wins everyone over the minute they meet her and has random strangers smiling in seconds. She's got the charms of her father, what can I say:) I love this little girl of mine so much. Happy birthday sweetheart girl, I love you.
Oh she is so precious. I wish she wasn't sick so we could have had cake with you guys :( I was ready to brave the world with little Mara :) Looking at these cute pictures of Ami & Oliver, I totally remember when our kids were that age & I loved that time so much. 2 & 4 is so much fun. You'll look back at this post someday & just hardly believe how fast she's grown. It's insane!! Love you & her so much!
There is no denying it, she is easy to love!! Happy Birthday sweet Amelie!!
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