I have to post a little something for my Ami J as well.
I can't believe that she is 2 years old! That little girl has been a long time in the making. I remember growing up and wishing that I had a sister to talk to. I finally found my perfect girl in the form of Becky Kelley. We would talk about everything. We saw things in a way that few other people truly relate with.
Luckily I was able to snatch her up and make her mine forever. Anyone who says they shouldn't marry their best friend is absolutely wrong. Oliver was the second product of me being head-over-heels in love and completely committed to Becky (don't worry Ollie, your turn will come on your birthday); and Ami was the third. I remember before we were even pregnant with Ami I would tell people, "I'm so excited for my little girl to arrive" and people would say, "Dont say that! You don't know if you're going to have a girl" and I would reply, "Oh yes I do know!". Me and H.F. had spoken about this years ago (once my sister never arrived in my immediate family).
I could not have dreamed up a more perfect Amelie Jane! She is my perfect girl from start to finish. It's true what Becky wrote about her; she is a show stopper anywhere we go. She is picking up Spanish like a true Latina (which melts my heart). I love to hear her little words and how she puts them together. I love that when we go on walks she runs up to me with her hand stretched out and says, "Mano, mano!" and holds my hand. The 'I love' list could really start to add up. I'll finish with this: I love Amelie so much that I can't stand to be without her. I don't know what I would do if I didn't know that I could be with the people I love the most for always. God be praised for making this possible and for sending me the beautiful blessing of you Amelie. I love you! Saying I'm glad we will always be together would be an understatement. Having you as a daughter and knowing we'll always be together is what makes life beautiful.
Thursday, September 29, 2011
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
Today is your birthday, shout HOORAY!
Amelie, you are truly such a joy to be around. I love that your such a happy girl. You are the perfect combination of sassy and sweet. I don't think Amelie will ever let anyone push her around:) She has this walk that is so hilarious. She's got swag that girl and she knows it. She was really the happiest baby I had ever seen and so friendly. Her personality has just gotten better and better and it's so much fun watching her turn into this little person. I love her little face and think that I probably smother her with kisses about a hundred times a day until she pushes me away. I just can't help it, she's irresistible. She wins everyone over the minute they meet her and has random strangers smiling in seconds. She's got the charms of her father, what can I say:) I love this little girl of mine so much. Happy birthday sweetheart girl, I love you.
Thursday, September 15, 2011
UTAH Sept.3-10
Liberty park rides
Love this face

Pete and Ryan got on these crazy fast swings. Oliver wanted to go so bad (over my dead body). Amelie cried the whole time watching Ryan, she was so worried. They had a great time though.
We celebrated Chelsea's birthday early with sandwiches and cake at the park. Chelsea who has always been perpetually 7 years old is now 21. Where in the world does the time go?! I'm kinda glad she's grown up now cause she gets to be one of my best friends.
Mountain man
Tan little body

We got to stay at grandma and grandpa Smarts house for a few nights. We always love to stay there and are so well taken care of. Ollie and Ami ran around calling for "grandma" and "grandpa" all day long. They settled right in. There is a special spirit in their home and we're grateful to have them as such great examples.
I LOVE this picture. The Logan temple is so gorgeous.
We stopped off at Poco Loco Swim Shop to see grandpa Kelley. We had a fun time chatting with grandpa and the kids had a blast running like crazies throughout the store. Grandpa even gave Ollie a cool swim toy and Amelie some rubber duckies. I love grandpa Kelley and was so happy to give him a big hug.
Ollie and Ami with grandpa Coats.
It was nice to see where grandpa Coats moved and be able to sit and go over memories of grandma. I can tell he really misses her. I love that grandpa always calls me "Beck". He is such a fun guy to be around. He even let the kids eat his jello stash:)
Gorgeous temple
My little miss walking the temple grounds
Daddy and daughter
My little twinner. Aren't we lucky that families are forever

I have to tell this funny story. When we walked up the windy stairs to go up and see the statue of Christ, Amelie excitedly exclaimed "Wall-E!" She was looking at all the stars and planets painted on the walls. We sat and listened to the missionaries talk about Christ's sacrifice for us. Oliver listened very carefully.
Then we headed to BYU campus to see Laura and Chelsea, our little students.
They had a club fair going on and were giving away all sorts of free stuff like cotton candy and popcorn and licorice. The kids were in heaven.
Riding the ferris wheel with Dad.
Of course we had to bowling while we were on campus. You might not know this but Ryan did get his name on the wall for having one of the highest scores.
Ollie had seriously been asking to bowl for the last six months. He was beyond excited to bowl. He ended up taking my turn and Amelie's turn because let's be honest, we just couldn't beat his enthusiasm.
Ahhh, a family of bowlers. Wouldn't have it any other way.
We stopped off at the Provo house to see grandpa and grandma Facer before they headed off to California. Ryan and I always laugh when we think of the time we lived in the basement when we first got married. Life was so simple then:)
We got to spend a few nights at my best friend Brooke's house and hang out with little Penny girl. Oliver and Amelie had such a blast fussing over a baby, well mostly Oliver. They took us up the canyon on our last night and Luke made some awesome foil dinners.
Is this girl made for the outdoors or what. Ears and all.
Getting the fire going. It had just rained that afternoon so it was a little soggy but the smell was to die for.
Our trip to Utah was so much fun. We loved to see so many friends and family that are so important to us. It was strange to realize that this was our first official classic family trip and that maybe one day Ollie will remember that time we went to Utah. I hold those memories so sacred and it's fun to know we're building those for our kids.
Sunday, September 11, 2011
Sept. 11th

I remember 10 years ago today, I was a freshman at BYU-Idaho. I woke up in the morning same as always, got in the shower, started to blow dry my hair and Kristen came in and said "Bets, a plane just hit the world trade center in New York". I had to register a moment what she was talking about. It didn't sound real. Immediately I remembered a trip I spent with my Dad and sister Regan where we went to the trade center and walked around. I remember how enormous and vast the buildings were, how many people worked there. New York, it couldn't be true. How does that even happen?
So I went to our tv and started watching everything unfold. I just remember climbing onto the couch, curling my legs up and crying. I can remember the gasp that came out when the second plane hit and I thought the world was coming to an end. I seriously felt this heavy panic set in as the newscasters confirmed that this was not accidental. Who could be capable of this? I don't know why but it didn't hit me immediately that the towers could come down. When it happened, it was like the air was being taken from me, like it was for so many people there who's lives were taken.
I sat all day in front of the tv and watched what evil was capable of. I prayed and prayed all day for those who were taken, for their families. I prayed for those who were trying to help, and those who died helping. I remember going on campus that day and looking around for some kind of reaction from others. It seemed strange that people were going on with their day. I don't know what I expected but it felt like we should all just sit and be still. So that's basically what I did for the days following the attack.
I had a few "why God" moments as I digested what had happened. I had some very real spiritual moments as I was reassured God has a plan for each of us and knows all. I was so comforted to know that families can be together forever. That those who lost the ones they loved would be reunited after this life. I had moments of understanding and even forgiveness for the bad decisions of others. I saw love everywhere. Truly, I have never seen so much compassion and love as our country united itself. All the petty inconveniences of life were put away. Everyone understood for a moment what really matters. We were all given a bit of clarity. I'm glad that I got to re-live some of those moments today as I pondered upon this anniversary. I'm glad to sit in church and know that our Heavenly Father loves each of us and wants more than anything for us to love one another.
I hope I can always remember...
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