Happy Birthday to my sweet Ollie boy! You are 4 years old and we can hardly believe it. I can still see your chubby little body with your tan skin and dark hair on the first day you were born. I remember wanting you to stay small so I could soak in every minute of you. Little did I know each stage past that would be just as fun. I love that you're becoming your own little person. You are very compassionate and extremely sensitive to others feelings. You want to be everyone's friend and I have never seen you exclude others from play. Whenever you're watching a show and someone is sad or gets picked on, you literally well up in tears sometimes, it's the cutest thing ever. I love that every morning you ask where Dad is and when I say work, you say "but he wants to be here!"
You love your little sister and try your best to make her laugh when she is crying or pick her up when she is running towards the street. You two are good pals and you do a great job sharing with her even when it's hard having a baby around messing up your stuff. Ami thinks you are the coolest.
I love that when I get you dressed in the morning you ask, "where are we going". You're always up for an adventure and looking forward to the next thing. The world is so ready for you. You are a very good listener. When we walk through a store and you want something but mom says no, you just say ok in a very sad tone but walk away, usually, with no questions asked. You love your friends and regularly include the list of them in your prayers.
I love your little boy body and how it jumps and kicks and karates anything in sight. You are a boy through and through and a bit of a rascal which I love. I always told Dad that I wanted kids a bit rascally so they had some good personality and boy I sure got my wish. I love that you're my little twin in personality and looks. Sometimes I wish that we could have been friends when I was four. I bet we would have really gotten along.
I love that you have a tender spirit and already have reverence for things. Whenever I point out a beautiful sunset or sky to you, you say, "yeah mom, its like Jesus".
I couldn't have imagined a more perfect little guy for our family and I am grateful every day for your loving heart and sweet, round face. I love you.
Here's Dad's birthday note:
Feliz cumpleanos hijo! I truly can’t believe that my little Ollie boy is 4 YEARS OLD! Ollie is pure joy in our family. He is the most enthusiastic and happy of boys. He is always happy to see you and will give you a “King’s Welcome” as Papa calls it when you walk through the door. Ollie has an un-paralleled ability to put a smile on your face. I love that Ollie is already so excited to do whatever is going on; a great quality which will definitely draw people to him.
Ollie is a people lover. He always wants to make friends at the park and wants to include everyone. I love how compassionate and sensitive Ollie is (a trait destined to be in-grained into every part of his being as the offspring of Becky Kelley and Ryan Facer). This gift will be one of the greatest blessings of his life as it will allow him to be perceptive and receptive to the spirit.
I love that Ollie is a peace-maker. Even at 4 years old and as active as he can be, Ollie has a way to bring peace back. Sometimes when I’m getting frustrated Ollie will look at me and say, “Dadda, dont be mad. Let’s snuggle”. And without fail it calms me down and brings peace back to the room. Seriously, what maturity for a 4 year old to be able to help his Dadda regain his composure.
Oliver is sooo talented. First and fore-most his artistic talent already exceeds my own; literally. He can ride his bike, skateboard, swim, surf behind the boat and in the ocean with me, play baseball, soccer, and so much more.
I could go on and on about Ollie. I love him so much. I’m glad he was born 4 years ago and that he is sealed to our family for time and eternity. I don’t know what I would do without him. Te quiero mucho mi hijo!
Happy birthday Ollie! We are so excited to see you tomorrow! Carson has been asking about Ollie all week and crying when I say he has to wait a few more days to see him =)
Love you Ols - wish we could have been there.
He really is so dear. We are happy he is part of your family and this world too. Happy Birthday sweet Oliver!
Happy birthday, sweet Ollie! We're so happy you're part of the Facer family!
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