Our little Amelie is just pure joy to have around. She is a very content little thing as long as her diaper is not being changed:) I swear she is already smiling at me, and not those "gas" smiles. When she gets wide awake I just sit and talk with her and she totally smiles. She is still very sleepy but when she is awake she seems totally aware and alert. This girl can eat too. The first few days she had almost no interest in eating but now she is always hungry. We are in love with her, that's for sure. Ollie is being a very sweet brother and adjusting well to his new life as big brother. I think he's starting to get over being sick which makes everything a lot easier. I cherish the times at night with him just before bed when I get to snuggle him in bed and scratch his back. Ryan and I are working hard to make sure he always feels included and very loved. His Nana Facer got him his own little baby girl doll and he feels really special to be able to take care of his very own baby. The weather is so glorious and I can't wait to feel good enough to get out and run around. I LOVE October!
She is so pretty! I am glad things are going good for you. You have such a great family and you all look great! Congratulations!
She is ADORABLE!! You guys make cute babies. She looks so much like Ollie. How sweet!
i LOVE her. i cannot say this enough.
counting down the days to thanksgiving...
She is so cute!!!!!! WOW, I can’t believe you went natural!! You are so brave. I’m so glad it went well and congrats on your family of four.
She's amazing! I am so excited :)
Oh Becks! She's so beautiful!!! I want to meet her... I'm so glad things are going well, that's very good to hear. We've been thinking about you guys a lot lately! Pretty soon she'll be singing EIEIO like Marley. :) We love you guys!!
So this is Brent, did Ryan change his phone number? I got a text when he told me about your new beautiful baby girl but I have texted him a couple times and not heard back...Just wondering what you guys are up to for Thanksgiving??? Just a random thought Nicole had but we were curious so let us know when you get a chance. Thanks
Congratulations! She is so beautiful and I'm glad to hear everything went well. She was actually born on the same day as my little Preston. He turned 5 the day Amelie was born. The 28th is a good day :)
She is so cute! I can't believe those chubby cheeks! They kill me. Seriously, so cute. Can't wait to meet her!
She is absolutely beautiful. Seeing as I am 15 weeks along with my first, I read your whole birth story and got all teary. Good job on making it all the way naturally! I think maybe on the next one I'll try it.
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