I love Amelie's little smirk in this picture. Brothers really are pretty funny.

Ollie decided to pick up gardening as a hobby today.

This is what she loves to do all day. I love it too.

There are so many uses to a
Spongebob coloring book with stickers. This was Oliver's idea.

There are two main things that we could not be more happy about.
Ok well of course the obvious is having a healthy little girl. But the other two things are SO wonderful. First off, this little girl has yet to spit up. I have not even pulled out one burp cloth, I kid you not. With Oliver we used burp towels, not cloths. Considering our experience with that, this is a wonderful blessing. Could anything be better than that?? Well yes. She sleeps 6 solid hours a night and probably would get more if I didn't wake her up to eat. Oliver, bless his heart, was a horrible sleeper. We heard the second child is easier and boy is it. It probably also helps that I am not nearly as paranoid. I remember when Ollie was an infant, I would jump in the shower hoping that he wouldn't cry so
I could at least shave my legs. If I heard him screaming I would actually jump out of the shower in a panic.
Ahhh the first time mom. Amelie doesn't have it quite so pampered. If she screams, I continue on, knowing that a little crying never hurt anyone. And I do not get up at night checking to see if she's alive cause she hasn't cried yet. Overall, I am loving the second time around. I highly recommend it.