So Ryan and I are both really confused at the success of John McCain and I just need to hear from others why he is doing so well. If he is going to be the presidential nominee, I would like to not dislike him so much but as of right now I just have no intention of ever voting for him. So if you know of any reason why he is the most qualified to be the president please let me know so I don't go crazy. Even his face irritates me, I need help.
This is WAY too funny. I feel the same way, but I don't know why! I mean, when I read, "his face even bugs me. I need help"...I TOTALLY relate. I love this. Ok, so now I will be checking back for everyone's answers. I really don't want to dislike him??
Well, first of all, he isn't Mormon. I wonder how big of a role that plays. A lot of people will not vote for a Mormon. Strange, I know. That being said, I guess he's been in the "game" a long time. Which is the exact reason I wouldn't vote for him, he's too politiciany (I know that's not a word). Nothing will change, he'll just take over where Bush left off. He is experienced and a nice guy, though.
And about his face, he was actually a POW and suffered through a lot of torture. His captors broke tons of his bones, teeth, tied him up, beat him, etc. To this day he cannot lift his arms above his head. So, at least he actually served our country. Which is more than can be said for most of the other candidates.
Sorry, it wasn't "physically" his face that bugs me, just looking at his face bothers me because HE bothers me. What he went through must have been terrible. And I know he is a war hero but does that always have to be his response to everything. It does warrant a certain amount of credit but you can't honestly run your whole campaign off it. I don't think serving the county makes you the most qualified to be president, although it is a great thing.
I hope you don't think I was standing up for McCain because I could not agree with you more about him! He bugs me, too. I was more or less mocking him. Being in AZ we hear ALL the time how he was a POW and I can't help but roll my eyes every time.
i watched the republican debate today and seriously that guy bugs big time. he is soooo irritating. so i don't have any reason for you to vote for him either. sorry, but i love you.
I TOTALLY agree with you. I just don't get it.
Go Romney!!!
I love your political post. Ya know, I wish I had an answer for you, I'd love a good one too. If he's to be president, I need to respect him or at least find credible qualities about him....hope; it's what we need.
Mal, I didn't even know you have a blog, yes! I am always glad to add a blogging buddy, how are you guys?!
I'm back again...Tay and I are just finishing watching the debate from two days ago. I am so irritated by Mccain, I just had to come say it again, to someone who understands. UGH!
its true, we have all been looking at this guys face for far to long, seems like he's been around for ages. but as far as republicans go i like him...i like that he says whatever he wants but yet i believe still has the best hope for the republicans...and thats what its all about running the can who has the best chance of getting your party in power. its funny though that we have such lame candidates on both sides of the race...hello we all knew a new pres would have to be elected.
I know...this whole thing is bugging me. I don't really love any of them. Why can't someone like that cute old man in the post below this one be president! We'd all be better off.
Amen, his face AND voice drive me nuts.
Well, I'm still not any closer to giving support to McCain. I'm very close to saying even that if McCain gets the nomination, I might give my support to Obama. Mark my words, if McCain is the republican candidate, the democrats will clean the floor with him. Because if you're going to vote white house, you might as well go with Hillary. Huckabee has no chance, he's just taking votes away from McCain and Romney. Seriously if Giuliani's out, why is Huckabee still in?! It's too bad that if Romney wasn't mormon, he'd basically have this in the bag, or at least that's what I think. I'm hoping for a miracle tomorrow. No matter who you're going with vote!!!
Hey I was catching up on the blogging action and found this post on your page. I know it's an old post but I think that it warrants a response given your last response to the comments. PLEASE DON'T VOTE FOR OBAMA!!!! As I mentioned in my post the House of Reps, and the Senate will most likely stay Democrat come next year. If Obama gets elected as Pres we could all be in for some serious change in this country, and some serious risk. Here's a quote from James Madison that I thinks articulates this point really well.
"Ambition must be made to counteract ambition. ... In framing a government which is to be administered by men over men, the great difficulty lies in this: you must first enable the government to control the governed; and in the next place oblige it to control itself." I think what this means is that we should always strive to have a system of checks and balances. Now, this is just one reason not to vote for Obama besides the fact that he is rated as the most liberal Senator in the US, which is pretty amazing when you think about that. He's more liberal than either Clinton, Ted Kennedy, or John Kerry. Anyways, that's my little soapbox speech for the day.
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