Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Flying Rats

Ok I know that pigeons are the dirtiest but I couldn't help post these.  We were at the park one day feeding the birds and out of nowhere Amelie just picks up this bird.  All the kids were trying to pick them up and sure enough Ami was the only one who could do it.  I had my hand sanitizer out and ready.  I was like, is this dangerous but I was laughing so hard I couldn't make it stop.  This girl is hilarious. 


annieq84 said...

What a cool girl that little Ami Jane is! She's my hero for getting the bird! I'm glad you let your kids experience life no matter how sketchy the bird may look :) Great pics!

Magen said...

kind of gross...and kind of cool...

kelleyplus said...

She's not only a people magnet, she's a bird magnet. I love that girl!

kelleyplus said...

Just like Annie was! SO funny.

nita said...

Little Ami! She should live on a farm. Everyone loves her!

Jen R. said...

This is so gross and so wonderful all at the same time! Hilarious. I would have taken pictures too.