Family pic. Christmas is the best

Ollie getting ready to open his present from Santa!

Spiderman slippers!!!

Asking Santa for a bow and arrow...

This is what Amelie did the whole time Santa sat and talked with the kids. She was very curious and just watched him eagerly awaiting her turn for a present. I almost cried because I didn't think to bring one for Ami because it was the preschoolers thing. She was so devastated when Santa's bag was empty and still no present for her. Luckily Oliver's teacher knitted him a beanie and we gave it to Ami as a substitute present. She was thrilled.

Santa arrived and everyone's eyes lit up

Nana and Papa came up for the night to hit Ollie's party and visit. Grandma Kelley was also there but I didn't get a chance to get a picture with her and Ollie before she had to leave for work. My mom is becoming the #1 postpartum doula in the area and I couldn't be more proud!

Laura and Chelsea left Provo that morning at 5am just to make it in time for Ollie's party! Can you tell he's pretty excited about that:) What sweet Aunties

Singing Christmas songs

More singing...So funny story. Oliver was so excited about singing all his Christmas songs and then after the kids sang happy birthday to Jesus he got really grumpy. It was like night and day, we couldn't figure it out. I asked him what was wrong and he said "my teacher forgot to sing happy birthday to Ollie". Haha. I love my little preschooler Oliver. I seriously well up with tears every time I think about him becoming a kindergardner next year. What his teachers always say about him is that he's such a good, sweet boy and he is very smart. These are things I know but it's still nice for someone else to acknowledge how amazing your kid is. I love you my sweet 4 3/4 yr old Oliver:)
How fun! I love Ollie's hair cut by the way. He looks like such a big boy.
What a beautiful blog. It broke my heart to think of Ami with no present!!
Christmas is everyday...with your cute kids...and Jingle Bells sung all year long.
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