We like to swim in our family. My parents always said we were water babies and in Arizona growing up you better believe we always had a pool. We were all swimming by the time we were two so I have already made a goal to teach Amelie by the end of the summer. I have always been a good swimmer if I do say so myself and Ryan swims a ton while surfing. That's the next goal by the way...to teach Ollie how to surf like his Dad. Big stuff here folks. These two look like they're ready to take on the challenge:)

Swimming is such fun!

Always ready to make a splash!

Ami, where's your belly button?

Where's your nose?

Ollie always has a way of looking very mischevious at all times. Lately he has been really into "poop" humor. Like literally 20 times a day he says "mom, guess what? poop". Some times he cannot even get the words out before he loses himself in hysterical laughter.

This little lady is already getting so tanned for the summer. I love the tan lines that come from fat rolls, although she is losing a lot of them:( I am amazed with Ami lately. She is repeating almost all the words I say to her, english and spanish alike. She is one smart cookie.

Ollie has been so easy lately. He is like this sweet, happy child and I sure hope it lasts for a long long time. He is as sweet as they come and he makes life great.



Go! Warm weather and water, here we come!!!
Those babes of yours are just so darling. They look older already. We need to get together soon. We love to swim also. I've already started swim classes for Chloe. They are just play swim right now. But I want her to learn early too. Hugs to you guys!
Oh my goodness, I can't get enough of that Ami girl! She is adorable! I love how much of her personality comes through in the pictures. I can't wait to spend more time with her and Ollie!
i love these pics. ollie and ami are SO adorable!
Becky! Just found your blog through your facebook post and read it for way too long. Cute! Looks like you guys have built quite the life in Cali...looks abosulutely grand.
Oh I wish we had a pool! I've been really thinking about getting a membership to the public pool! I agree that any Kelley offspring should be swimming!
That's awesome. Teach my kids to swim! :) Cash is into "Poop" talk too and thinks it's hilarious! What the heck?!
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