The Facer Family in all their glory (just imagine Austin's head somewhere in there:) This was Nita family's reunion. Her maiden name in Smart. All her family came in from Utah for the festivities. Our family shirt's said "Called to Surf, Called to Serve" with a surfer and missionaries, nice work Nita!

Boys and their golfing, who knows.

Do you think this board is the right size for me Dad?

It totally looks like animation but that is really a dolphin behind Olls.
The eel cave was by far the highlight of Sea World for this kid.
I loved the bat rays. Oliver got a few good swipes at them, good thing those stingers don't work.

So I thought the eels were the ugliest things ever. Oliver, not so much. He probably would have jumped in with them if he could have:)
Ryan cruising a wave. It was a small day but still fun for the boys, especially when you're coming from Utah. Lookin' good babe!!! Thank you Facer family for this awesome trip, we had so much fun and loved seeing all the people we love.
oliver is such a stud! i love his hair cut! you back in utah now? we much catch up!
Okay, Ollie looks adorable. And you look so tan -- I'm totally jealous. Also, can I say that it looks like you had way too much fun in CA. Hopefully we'll be going to visit Eric & Andrea soon... maybe you guys should come too! They're 10 min. from the beach. Hopefully we'll see you this weekend!
Becky, Oliver is so cute. I can't believe that you have lived in Utah most of the last year and a half and we can't manage to go to lunch. We have to make it happen.
Awesome! Ollie looks WAY cute, he is getting so big! I wish we lived close, I hate being so far from you guys. We would have so much fun :( someday maybe we'll all live in California!!
oh tortus breath no one commented on your wave so i guess i will. i have one word to say on it. SICK.
You 2 have such a good looking kid. I haven't talked to either of you in a while but I want to make sure that I have the right email address for you let me know. You can go on my blog mattandpiper.blogspot.com Thank you
That was such a fun trip! You're way more on top of your photos than we are. Hopefully we'll get ours up soon. I've got a cute one of the three of you to send. And I love Ollie's smiles! He is a cutie!
Oh, what was the song you and Ryan sang for the talent show? We really liked it.
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