As we passed this store, Ollie saw these wooden bears and walked right up to give them hugs. Let's hope he doesn't do that when he sees a real one:)
Those are two very good looking boys if I do say.We love each other.
Here Dad, I found some trash I thought you might enjoy. I wish I had those eye lashes!
If there was a place in Utah for us, Park City would have to be it.
I love when Ollie gets thrown. He arches his back and throws his arms up, like a little acrobat.
I have to agree with you about Park City! We love it there...we try to spend a weekend there every few months!
We're finally back---Just got internet. It was good to see you guys! Ollie is even cuter in person (i didn't think he could be any cuter). Let's get together again soon!
That looks like a lot of fun... and Ollie looks like such a big boy! They are growing up too fast. We miss the Facer fam!
I do love Park City. You don''t even feel like you are in Utah. Olliekins is so cute. Soon he'll have another boy cousin to play with.
Shoot - you guys are one of those ridiculously cute families. Your little bug is adorable.
I wish we lived closer.
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