So I have had no motivation for blogging lately, I have no idea why, sometimes I just go through spurts. July is flying by and I just can't believe it. Especially when it's just now starting to feel like summer. So far this "summer" has been a lot of cloud cover and fog which I have to admit I sort of love, but it was starting to get old. It is still foggy at the beach but it's been clearing up earlier and earlier so hopefully those summer beach days will commence. The nice thing about living 10 minutes inland is that it is always sunny here, so that's kinda nice.
Ryan's job is officially closing out which usually takes a couple weeks. We were hoping he would be moving to Irvine this week but no such luck. He's been going to Santa Monica because there is a lot of "hand holding" as Ryan calls it, to be done. I don't think when Ryan took this job on, he could have imagined what a nightmare it would be. Learning and experience is what he's taking from it, and leaving all the rest behind! I seriously miss my best friend. In another week he should get word on what and where his next job is.
My amazing, wonderful parents came this past weekend for a night to watch the kiddies while we took a night away and went to La Jolla. It was absolutely wonderful to just relax and be together. My mom was so funny and called a few hours after we left and was like, "I love this, can we do this all the time". The answer is yes, mom.
I have had quite the scare this past month. My period was over 3 weeks late and I was maybe freaking out a little. I finally went into the Dr. to get my iud checked and get a pregnancy test. Gratefully, we are not expecting our third and everything looked fine with the iud. My period for some reason had just decided not to show up. Go figure the day after I go to the Dr. after an awesome vaginal exam, my period shows up. I love myself babies, don't get me wrong, but that would have been terrible timing:)
My doula work is really starting to move. I am interning at a wonderful Birth Center in Irvine with some pretty amazing people. Sometimes I feel like the luckiest girl to have found the thing other than motherhood that just feels like a calling. I am on call as we speak for my practice labors. So exciting. I don't think I'll really get rolling on the business aspect until I work with lots of moms first, just to know I am experienced enough and ready. And I plan on watching the midwife and mentor doulas every move so I can learn as much as possible.
Oliver is hilarious and darling. I keep having to remind myself to enjoy the moments with him when he is acting like a crazy person. Like he is 3, I just need to embrace it and love every moment of it. He is singing the babe theme song downstairs on perfect pitch as we speak. Amelie is a mover these days. She can climb all the way up the stairs all by herself and I just don't know what to do about it. I will try and avoid a gate at all costs because they are just so annoying. She is a wild woman in the pool and just tries to jump out of my arms. She watches every move her brother makes and laughs at every single thing he does. I love them together.
Friday, July 23, 2010
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Summer nights
Tonight was a total Rexburg summer night. Out of nowhere these thunder clouds rolled in this afternoon and then started raining. All I could think of was how much I missed those summer night's in Idaho. It made me think of singing Dashboard with Brooke and Lane to the top of our lungs in the pouring rain, watching movies out our back window on the grass, driving back from the sand dunes smelling smoke and wet grassy fields, late night runs to Dairy Queen with the girls to get a georgia mud fudge blizzard and fighting for brownie bits, drives through the fields consumed by thoughts and possibilities, mattresses pulled into the front room for a huge slumber party, scotcharoos and confetti cake, love and heartbreak, jogging all alone and relishing in the peace of being in total seclusion, leaving the library after some awesome he said she said chats instead of studying, finishing a last minute essay with a total procrastinators high, and the magical glow of that little town full of so much energy right in the middle of nowhere. I love that place. There is nothing quite like it. Be there now.
Saturday, July 10, 2010
Gardening 101
Monday, July 5, 2010
An injury, a birthday, and the fourth!

Ryan's thoughts were as follows:
First, great, now we have to leave the beach and we just got here.
Second, if I get stitches they're not going to let me surf for a while.
Third, we have a to pay a hundred bucks to go the the ER.
Fourth, now we are going to waste a perfectly good Saturday sitting at the hospital.
My thoughts were as follows:
Your face is sliced open and bleeding profusely. We should probably do something about that soon. I don't care if it takes time or costs money.
That it was cool that Ryan got such a great battle wound and why wasn't he more excited. I wish it were me.
That this battle wound might end up looking kinda hot. Ryan was excited about this prospect.
And I secretly thought that if they didn't let him get in the water for a while, I might get my husband on Saturday mornings. Selfish? Yeah, sorry babe. (He only has to wait 5 days so no harm done).
So yeah, we called Jill for directions to the nearest hospital, dropped Oliver off with his uncle Jon (can you imagine 2+ hours with Ollie at the ER, thanks Jon) and six stitches later Ryan was repaired. Ryan still says it hasn't hurt once. He's super tough.

Then my family came for the afternoon to celebrate my Dad's birthday. We went swimming, ate dinner at Ruby's in Laguna, classic Kelley family tradition, and had a darling cake my mom brought. Oliver loves celebrating birthdays and especially singing the birthday song. He couldn't resist helping grandpa blow his candles out.

Then we walked to Grand Park in Aliso for the festivities and fireworks. I was surprised at how great the show was considering Aliso is a small town. The music was great and the crowd was roaring. I had a few tear up moments as I thought about my blessings. Oliver loved the fireworks and Ami wasn't completely sure what she thought. Good thing she has those fingers. Both kids crashed on the walk home. It was a very successful fourth of July.
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