Ok seriously, I realize I am totally blogging with mobile uploads and that is so annoying but I have really dropped the ball on bringing my camera with me lately places and my phone just happens to be ridiculously convenient. I just have to pause a moment and look at my sweet almost 15 month old baby girl and relish in the deliciousness of her age. I really could sit around all day and watch her. Oh wait I already do but really she cracks me up with the little lady she is becoming. She is so good natured and sweet. I especially love striping her down to a diaper and watching her miniature chubby body toddle around like she owns the place. She rarely ever complains but sometimes you can see the inner diva come out and you know this girl won't let anyone push her around. With a big brother like Ollie constantly playing spider-man and karate chop on the poor girl, she is quite the good sport and gets a big kick out of him, most of the time. Can I please just have her stay this age a little longer? I can't get enough. It's like I need to have my video camera on at all times to capture each little look and sound. I'm having one of those "mom moments". I love her love her LOVE her. Ps, today marks the first day she had her hair done in pigtails. Monumental indeed.