So this is really happening. Amelie is officially a year old and I seriously can't believe it. Yesterday I just kept looking at her thinking, how did this happen, and how are you walking and jabbering and laughing and being such a big girl playing alongside your brother. This girl gives my life such complete joy, that's really all I can say about her. She emits happiness and joy wherever she is. I feel like she will bring so many people throughout her life that light that they've been looking for. She will make everyone so happy for knowing her. Seriously, what more can you ask for as a mom. Here are some of my favorite things about my sweet AmiJane...
-I don't believe for a second that she is shy but sometimes just for fun, she likes to tilt her head to the side, being bashful and grin. It is so cute, I could just eat it up.
-She is super tough. She has fallen in the pool (neglectful parent?) like 3 times this past week, nothing crazy but enough that most kids would be in tears. Well she pops right out of the water and looks around and smiles, like, mom did you see that?!
-She has been in this big pointing phase lately. I love to see all the things she deems point-worthy and watch her little chubby pointer finger pop up at the first sight of something interesting. Lately it's been birds, or anything in the sky.
-She greets everyone with a huge smile and both arms held high over her head.
-She follows me around the house all day, wanting to be apart of anything I'm doing. When I finally cave and pick her up, she sighs, puts her fingers in her mouth, and sometimes lays her head on my shoulder, like, finally mom, this is where I've wanted to be all day.
-She loves music, especially our Yo Gabba Gabba cd and will sit and listen to it until it's over. Sometimes I'll peek in and she's balancing on something and bouncing up and down with the beat.
-Lately she has realized that the louder you are in our house, the more attention you get (awesome). She was sick of being seen as this good-natured, quiet, submissive gal and has found her inner Oliver. Well those two can have some screaming matches just for the fun of it. Well it's mostly fun for Ami cause Ollie is usually saying "Ami, too loud", and she gets a kick out of this huge voice coming out of such a small body.
I remember that Ryan and I prayed, almost every night when I was pregnant, that we'd get sent this sweetheart baby girl of our dreams. A baby that would be easy, laid-back, happy, and joyful. Prayers are definitely heard and answered because we got just that. So to our big one year old girl, we love you and can't wait to see you grow into a more beautiful girl every day. Love you! Mom, Dad, and Ollie
Brings tears to my eyes. She really is something special.
I can't believe that she's one either! It makes me realize that Gage isn't far behind her. I'm glad she had such a wonderful birthday. She deserves all the love the world can give her!
aunt jill, uncle jon & cousin dane.
She certainly is a sweetheart. I'm glad you guys had a fun yougurtland celebration for her first. She is just beaming. Happy Birthday Amelie!
I almost cried, but people are around and that would be embarrassing. love you all ;)
Love her! Happy birthday sweet little thing!
Happy birthday, sweet Ami!
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