Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Amelie at the beach

And I HAD to mention the arrival of some very special people to our neck of the woods. My cousin Andrea just moved here with her family from Arizona and I am seriously so excited to have them close by, the town next door in fact. I can see the beach days and bonfires now:) Oh btw, she is an amazing photographer in case your in the market.


kelleyplus said...

I love the one where she is gazing off in the distance contemplating sand, it's taste and texture!!! So cute. Can't wait to see you all this Sat.

annieq84 said...

You guys are going to have so much fun together! Just make sure to save a beach day and bon fire for me when I come next time. Miss you a ton!
PS congrats to Ami- what a big "step" in life!

andrea said...

I love the photos of Ami! That second one is way cool. We love being by you guys, it's so fun.

Annie- just the mentioning of you being here for a bonfire or beach day makes me excited! Can't wait!

Aaron and Meg said...

Ami knows how to live it up at the beach!