By this time Ollie had not taken a nap all day, I mean who can! It was 8:30 and we were all pretty much exhausted. I'm impressed we lasted until 9:30 when we left. Oliver fell asleep approximately2 minutes after getting in his car seat.
We went on Ryan's birthday which was awesome because he was free. He even got to wear a birthday button on his shirt and Ollie and I got to wear "I'm celebrating" buttons. It took the first ride to teach our little Oliver that waiting in line takes a lot of patience. After that he was a pro. I do have to say that if not for the tag teaming powers of a husband and wife combo, this day would not have happened. I was thinking of getting a season pass and just bringing Ollie on my own. Not so much anymore. Ryan took Ollie on some of the shorter rides while I waited in the big lines and then they caught up with me in time to get on. That's pretty much how we survived. Maybe when I'm not almost 7 months pregnant and dealing with a 2 year old, I'll try the solo trip. We are planning on hitting up my birthday in Oct. with baby girlfriend. You just can't pass up a $69 ticket for free. Disneyland, as usual, we love you...
1 comment:
Oh man, I wanted to come for my birthday so bad but we didn't. How fun! Tell Ryan Happy late Birthday from us! I definitely want to take the kids when we visit.
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